You guys are talking about POS REWARDS.
An increase in POS rewards, over a limited period of time will increase DEMAND and PRICE of ORANGECOIN.
John you are right, BUT if the limited time is (for example:) 2 weeks, then you will be right for the first week, then we will see dumping. More alt-coin PoS rewards only devalues a currency against btc. Just look at the extreme example of 10k coin. People want to make profit off of rare coins and will dump free ones.
If we want more value, price and demand, we have to build this coin the right way with usage and services.
Get out of my head Halo!!! Haha, Great minds think alike.
You guys are talking about POS REWARDS.
An increase in POS rewards, over a limited period of time will increase DEMAND and PRICE of ORANGECOIN.
Who is talking about extra PoS rewards?
The idea I present asumes
donation donation donation for extra rewards.
Elaborate..... Are you talking like Start??
You guys are talking about POS REWARDS.
An increase in POS rewards, over a limited period of time will increase DEMAND and PRICE of ORANGECOIN.
I need you to elaborate as well.. Do you have any ideas how this would work? Or implementations.
Then the GRANDADDY of the question, Where are we with Masternodes!? That will be HUGE! -SoopyAlso @Jan Do you know anything about Masternodes, or have anyone in mind I can chit chat with?
I am sorry for the questions. But I am trying to help, by volunteering my time and effort and a silver tongue. Also do we have any translations of other languages, was that even thought with the original dev?
Cheers! And keep up the GREAT EXCELLENT WORK!
No it is more simple.
For EnergyCoin I get 5000 ENRG PoS per day and that I want to redistribute via lottery for small holders.
OrangeCoin can do the same or are here no bag-holders?
For StakeCoin the same and my developer can create that feature.
In a Rapberry-PI we can combine the 3 coins and application.
Wait I JUST Read this..... so you're going to add 1,825,000 Coins to the table every year @ 5000x365 assuming you're stating accurate numbers if not, its an estimate then..... and that's NOT counting the influx of the POS going up so like 5000 one day, 5001 the next, 5002 so on and so on.
Halo, Soopy is there a way to find out the inflation rate base upon who's staked and who's lost wallets?
Here's the basics: is, we don't know who's wallets are really lost, or just offline -- including the old large amounts.
Couldn't we go off of the number of days inactive? Like before we were noticing wallets with an age of 400+ days. And how old exactly is OC?
I've investagate this for EnergyCoin

We have about 10% long time offline and 20% stored on Bittrex.
The sleeping wallets can wake up every moment owner see posibility for profit.
The offline wallets only missing the compound effect and coins stored on Bitterx have no effect on the inflation.
Specs for EnergyCoin:
Algorithm: Scrypt POS/PoW Hybrid (No PoW Reward)
Max Coins: 110 Million and yearly interests.
Year 1: 10% interest
Year 2: 8%
Year 3: 6%
Year 4: 4%
Year 5: 2%
Next : 1%
Block Time: 30 seconds
Confirmations: 3 to confirm tx
Stake age: minimum 1 day to stake coins
So for EnergyCoin 116M - 21.7M = 94.3M coins in stake with 8% rate is total 102m + 21.7 = 123.5M next year (excluding compount effect and coins for Bitterx)
As a developer I can change the PoS-reward if needed for future applications.
So every moment sleping wallets can wake up and begin to stake.
This is fantastic information Jan!
Halo. Can we crunch some numbers as well to see what we come up with..... Also for "Sleeping Wallets" Some nodes might have multiple Wallets.... Like me for example i have a Wallet with two addresses.. One is EMPTY. So if we can take that in to consideration as well that'd be awesome and give us more precise numbers.
Also I have been blowing up twitter and Reddit about OC! we should all do our part, and PR the SH1T out of this.
If we had 50M after 2 weeks of PoW (May 10th-ish), and we have ~57M around the 1 year mark in May for PoS, ~12% (12.5) was the first year total PoS return of OC as a whole. From that, we can deduce ~60% of the coins are actively staking.
57 / 50= 1.14 / 100 = 14% PoS return rate year 1, actual realized.
14% actual PoS return / 20% projected PoS return = 70% of coins staked in first year.
Our inflation rate is way behind the projected inflation rate because not all coins staked, we are 30% ahead of the projected devaluing inflation rate. This also means that PoS will be producing for more years than the projected 40+ years until our cap is hit.
You are Boss!!! Perfect! Except your math...... 1.14 /100 = .0114 We are human and ALLOWED TO MAKE MISTAKES! that's why we have each other. So less than 2%