I have this from the old site that I wrote up, see the orange highlight for your question's answer, TimC.
So you have this wonderful orange in your possession, and you're wondering how to make it grow.
Well, friends, we have the 'Proof of Stake' (PoS) feature which bears 'interest', like a bank account. Depending on what year Orangecoin is in will tell how much projected interest you will get.
POS After Block: 10000- 20% first year, 10% second Year, 5% third year- Flat 2.5% Continuous.
So how does one stake? It's easy, you don't have to do anything, but hold on... I'm getting there.
First you must know, OC PoS has a time period called the maturing period or 'growing season'. This is 14 days from the time those coins were credited to your wallet. Every credited transaction starts a new 14 day for ONLY the coins in that specific transaction. This includes minting transactions. During the growing season, no staking takes place.. Once the 14 day growing period is over, then your oranges are ready to stake.
OK, Growing season is over, so now we wait some more so that our oranges can 'ripen' up a little bit. This is the time it takes from day 14 to whenever your oranges are selected to stake. This ripening stage can take anywhere from a few hours to a week or so. Once your oranges age to day 28, they won't ripen anymore, but they maintain the ripening that occurred (28 day Coin-Age weight), from day 29 until eternity, until they are selected to stake.Once your coins stake, they are unusable until the minting transaction gets the required confirms. Once they confirm, those oranges need to grow again, so they go back to day 1 in the growing season.
It's a matter of how many oranges you have in the specific transactions and/or wallet keys, the Coin-Ages, your places in line, and a little bit of luck that determines how fast/often you get selected to stake. Have patience, they will stake. You do not have to leave your wallet open during the 14 day growing season, but you do have to leave your wallet open after day 14 to get selected to stake.
Actually minting:
Just leaving your wallet open will allow you to stake. The better, safer way to mint is as follows:
Open wallet -> Settings -> encrypt wallet
Once you have your password...
Help --> debug window --> click console tab --> type the following, substituting your password:
walletpassphrase password 9999999 true
Now, clean up the log by pushing Ctrl and L. Poof, your password is no longer seen on screen. you can close the console window now and watch your oranges grow.
Congratulations! Your wallet is now unlocked and encrypted.
Happy Staking!