Okcash - Staking calcs improvements to be implemented - LTSSImprovements to be implemented in PoS calculations to the Okcash Staking System.original thread:
http://okcashtalk.org/index.php/topic,16.0.htmlImprovements to be implemented in PoS calculations to the Okcash Staking System.Updated on: Dec-31-2019
LTSS POS Block Rewards 15 halvings:
69%(Pow/PoS start),
22%(year), 11%(year), 6.9%(2 years), 3.9%(2 years), 3.6%(2 years), 3.3%(2 years),
3%(10 years), 2%(10 years), 1%(10 years), 0.69%(10 years), .33% (forward years [100+])
Okcash POS White Paper: okcash-whitepaperOkcash LTSS White Paper: okcash-ltss-whitepaperOkcash SEM White Paper: okcash-sem-whitepaper*POS - Proof of Stake.
*SEM - Secure Encrypted Messaging.
*LTSS - Long Term Sustainable Staking.
*LTPoW - Long Term Proof of Work.
LTSS PoS calcs to the Okcash Staking System.LTSS original thread:
http://okcashtalk.org/index.php/topic,16.0.htmlTechnical Sustainability: In aims to improve the OK system security , sustainability and reliability, while at the same time respecting scarcity and the original PoS expected supply growth proposed in the V1 LTSS WP.
Okcash came up with a solution to empower the system and secure LTSS.
Bitcoin has LTPoW lasting till the year 2140. OK LTTS (staking) will be lasting till the year 2148.
Making Okcash the best PoS partner for Bitcoin and Micro Transactions.
Following the Original schedule of expected distribution proposed on the V1 LTSS WP, and based on the past performance of the OK Network / Users / Staking for the first 5 years of Okcash,
we have improved and refined the LTSS System by fixing the halving periods based on past performance and future expectation of the Staking Network Percentage in the system to match the original Proof of Stake expected growth.
Economics: 15planned halvings will help stabilize and secure the network and appreciation as they kick in.
This system proposes: 6 halvings with a 1 year period, 4 halvings with a 2 years period, and 5 halvings with a 10years + period.
This halvings have been fixed to a 33.33 % / 16 .66 % and 10 % expectancy of staking network based on past 5 years performance of the OK chain.
After the 15th halving OK gets a fixated % (after year 2070*), this will normalize the OK network, help secure the chain growth and improve the distribution with the participants of the network , giving Okcash a constant and long term growth with organic appreciation.
* 501,257 blocks per year average.
Last OK coins to be PoS mined expected between years
2148 - 2XXX depending on the % of Network Staking.
Clean readable
OK Staking % Calc - Improvements table:
https://i.imgur.com/2XxJL6q.pngFull Long Term Staking Whitepaper: