Can you inform me your role on this project? Are you the dev for both kingex and speedking? And, before I go full ballistic, are you the one who wrote the whitepaper?
Yes sir , i am the dev . Yes sir. it is just a "Litepaper" for now but let's just call it a whitepaper and also you can go you are permitted to go ballistic along it abides to the rules of the forum
, more updates on the "Whitepaper" will be given.
If you are aiming to be one of the payment system out there, have you communicated with some of the merchants to introduce your platform? Or will you just be waiting for them to tap your network? As I have seen, you only have 2 members in this project, do you think you can really implement your objectives here?
Also, from your OP, speedkingtoken is built under Binance Smart Chain but your speedkingtokengold is under ETH network. What is the difference of these 2 tokens?
Thank you sir , very good question i really appreciate it to be honest.
The Speedkingtoken gold is our second version product created for simple transaction on the Ethereum blockchain but because of our investors where a bit angry because of the excess fees we decided to move and optimized with an automated transfer system.
Speedkingtoken gold is a fast smart contract (Can be integrated to any decentralized or centralized exchange) but fees and not fully automated , i.e semi automated.
But Speedkingtoken is fully automated , anytime any day anywhere just send any amount of BNB to the smart contract address with the desirable fees given, and get your tokens in less than 10 seconds .Also it boast of being the first Binance chain automated smart contract system with the lowest fees , just assume transferring your money with 3x less fees with a normal token and also with a fast speed of less than 10 seconds with no third party involved in buying .
But for selling of course third party will be involved but as we are progressing our team will try to create the best possible and easy means for user's to save, stake and invest money safely.
also for the Kingex it was designed for crypto user's , People complained how slow Uniswap can be on their low end phone i.e using uinswap on a 1gb ram phone can be really annoying so we decided to come up with a more faster "Uniswap" front end interface that is 20X faster than the regular uniswap with proof which will be given very soon and for the it was created for user's to have the feeling of privacy and also if you ever used Facebook , you realized you cant possibly upload files when sending message but our own can do that up to 1gb of file and also be chatting with your friend with a simple user interface and creating feeling of privacy for everyone.
Thanks for your question Sir.