Should be under 5m for a year or two...
5689030 - 1077822 (Burned PKB) = 4611208 PKB
Estimated supply with all the coins staking:
4611208 * 1.05 (5% for 1st year) = 4841768 PKB
4841768 * 1.04 (4% for 2nd year) = 5035439 PKB
POS Supply is intentionally low, my view on this was it will help create a stable price from the moment adoption starts and the companies exchanging PKB for FIAT, plus it is still inline/above current FIAT interest rates.
Most deserved addition. I'll be holding my minted coins, didn't sell a single coin.
Good job dev.
Thanks, although it wasn't me that got it added, it was you guys