Yes, but as it says there is no reason why I do not know how to solve this problem!
What no reason? If you have a few gpu's It will take you a week or a month to find 1 block or none at all. But if you mine on a pool it will give you coins based on your share, even though smaller in amounts but steady. Your choice.
If you still want to continue with PascalCoinOpenCL_ProxyMiner.exe
1.Install latest java
2. Run PascalProxyv2
a. desired host: ( or where you run the wallet daemon
b. desired port: 4009 (default)
c. number of gpu's: 3 (number of your gpus)
d. miner name prefix: (must be same with your wallet. Click Project --> Options --> Miner Name). Must be 8 characters only.
3.Run PascalCoinOpenCL_ProxyMiner.exe Note: p=platform, d=devices(gpus), i=intensity, c=cycle
a. Each gpu's must be run separately. Copy the code below and change the username and foldername or your file path. Save it as your batch file.
@echo off
cd "C:\Users\"username"\Desktop\"Foldername" "
Start /min "GPU0" PascalCoinOpenCL_ProxyMiner.exe p0 d0 i22 c50
@echo off
cd "C:\Users\"username"\Desktop\"Foldername" "
Start /min "GPU1" PascalCoinOpenCL_ProxyMiner.exe p0 d1 i22 c50
@echo off
cd "C:\Users\"username"\Desktop\"Foldername" "
Start /high "GPU2" PascalCoinOpenCL_ProxyMiner.exe p0 d2 i22 c50