
Topic: 【ANN】【PIRL】【nPOS】【Validator - Nominator 】【Substrate based】【IPFS Masternode】 - page 68. (Read 142273 times)

Activity: 10
Merit: 0
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
sr. member
Activity: 1021
Merit: 324
How i can use windows wallet?

1. download pirl-windows-amd64.exe

2. ceate bat

pirl-windows-amd64 console

3. run bat
4. 2nd line u see coinbase: 0xblablabla <=== u wallet

so PIRL is dead , no news from dev  Huh  i hope this is good project will have first exchange .

Not sure how this was a "Fair Launch" considering the majority of the population wasn't targeted because of NO COMPILED WINDOWS wallet available for download. If the majority of the population don't know how to compile the windows wallet and the Dev did not provide one why is this FAIR?

Sure the linux wallet was made available for download 10-20 mins after launch, it wasn't even ready on the comment from the Dev with that?

Personally I downloaded and compiled the win wallet, had my address but on principle alone stopped mining and won't be doing back, it's my choice to do so.

And the Dev being a masternode and keeping 2/12...well do the math on that percentage he is pocketing from a failed 'FAIR' launch.

The Dev is getting some abuse over this, I don't agree with all the crap he is getting but he hasn't spoken up about what went wrong and that says something about integrity. 

Good luck to everyone and who knows if this is a shit coin or not. All I know is there is a lot of angry miners out there and I don't blame them. Not FAIR at all. You dev need to learn statistically what fair is.

Only statistically my opinion.

Now back to mining EOT....
windows user say not fair
linux user say fine fine ajah

Console output:

WARN [10-01|11:04:44] No etherbase set and no accounts found as default
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Starting peer-to-peer node               instance=Pirl/v1.7.0-unstable-e58a0edb/windows-amd64/go1.8.3
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Allocated cache and file handles         database=C:\\Users\\tmp\\AppData\\Roaming\\Pirl\\pirl\\chaindata cache=128 handles=1024
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Initialised chain configuration          config="{ChainID: 3125659152 Homestead: 0 DAO: DAOSupport: true EIP150: 0 EIP155: 0 EIP158: 0 Metropolis: 9223372036854775807 Engine: ethash}"
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Disk storage enabled for ethash caches   dir=C:\\Users\\tmp\\AppData\\Roaming\\Pirl\\pirl\\ethash count=3
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Disk storage enabled for ethash DAGs     dir=C:\\Users\\tmp\\AppData\\Pirl                        count=2
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Initialising Ethereum protocol           versions="[63 62]" network=3125659152
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Loaded most recent local header          number=7936 hash=3e518e…21bd2e td=1509580374971430
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Loaded most recent local full block      number=0    hash=29a742…a1a273 td=17179869184
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Loaded most recent local fast block      number=7936 hash=3e518e…21bd2e td=1509580374971430
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Loaded local transaction journal         transactions=0 dropped=0
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Regenerated local transaction journal    transactions=0 accounts=0
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Starting P2P networking
INFO [10-01|11:04:46] UDP listener up                          self=enode://9e080d1def3546abfec9b25ee52d1541694134d60a802bbf4e350edabf1f21e54ce0eff720f3d570eb375259673377db40f45552eac78daf304e866a80e8f9fe@
INFO [10-01|11:04:46] RLPx listener up                         self=enode://9e080d1def3546abfec9b25ee52d1541694134d60a802bbf4e350edabf1f21e54ce0eff720f3d570eb375259673377db40f45552eac78daf304e866a80e8f9fe@
INFO [10-01|11:04:46] IPC endpoint opened: \\.\pipe\pirl.ipc

where is my wallet address?

at the command prompt add
account list
Activity: 114
Merit: 10
How i can use windows wallet?

1. download pirl-windows-amd64.exe

2. ceate bat

pirl-windows-amd64 console

3. run bat
4. 2nd line u see coinbase: 0xblablabla <=== u wallet

so PIRL is dead , no news from dev  Huh  i hope this is good project will have first exchange .

Not sure how this was a "Fair Launch" considering the majority of the population wasn't targeted because of NO COMPILED WINDOWS wallet available for download. If the majority of the population don't know how to compile the windows wallet and the Dev did not provide one why is this FAIR?

Sure the linux wallet was made available for download 10-20 mins after launch, it wasn't even ready on the comment from the Dev with that?

Personally I downloaded and compiled the win wallet, had my address but on principle alone stopped mining and won't be doing back, it's my choice to do so.

And the Dev being a masternode and keeping 2/12...well do the math on that percentage he is pocketing from a failed 'FAIR' launch.

The Dev is getting some abuse over this, I don't agree with all the crap he is getting but he hasn't spoken up about what went wrong and that says something about integrity. 

Good luck to everyone and who knows if this is a shit coin or not. All I know is there is a lot of angry miners out there and I don't blame them. Not FAIR at all. You dev need to learn statistically what fair is.

Only statistically my opinion.

Now back to mining EOT....
windows user say not fair
linux user say fine fine ajah

Console output:

WARN [10-01|11:04:44] No etherbase set and no accounts found as default
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Starting peer-to-peer node               instance=Pirl/v1.7.0-unstable-e58a0edb/windows-amd64/go1.8.3
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Allocated cache and file handles         database=C:\\Users\\tmp\\AppData\\Roaming\\Pirl\\pirl\\chaindata cache=128 handles=1024
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Initialised chain configuration          config="{ChainID: 3125659152 Homestead: 0 DAO: DAOSupport: true EIP150: 0 EIP155: 0 EIP158: 0 Metropolis: 9223372036854775807 Engine: ethash}"
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Disk storage enabled for ethash caches   dir=C:\\Users\\tmp\\AppData\\Roaming\\Pirl\\pirl\\ethash count=3
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Disk storage enabled for ethash DAGs     dir=C:\\Users\\tmp\\AppData\\Pirl                        count=2
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Initialising Ethereum protocol           versions="[63 62]" network=3125659152
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Loaded most recent local header          number=7936 hash=3e518e…21bd2e td=1509580374971430
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Loaded most recent local full block      number=0    hash=29a742…a1a273 td=17179869184
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Loaded most recent local fast block      number=7936 hash=3e518e…21bd2e td=1509580374971430
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Loaded local transaction journal         transactions=0 dropped=0
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Regenerated local transaction journal    transactions=0 accounts=0
INFO [10-01|11:04:44] Starting P2P networking
INFO [10-01|11:04:46] UDP listener up                          self=enode://9e080d1def3546abfec9b25ee52d1541694134d60a802bbf4e350edabf1f21e54ce0eff720f3d570eb375259673377db40f45552eac78daf304e866a80e8f9fe@
INFO [10-01|11:04:46] RLPx listener up                         self=enode://9e080d1def3546abfec9b25ee52d1541694134d60a802bbf4e350edabf1f21e54ce0eff720f3d570eb375259673377db40f45552eac78daf304e866a80e8f9fe@
INFO [10-01|11:04:46] IPC endpoint opened: \\.\pipe\pirl.ipc

where is my wallet address?
sr. member
Activity: 1021
Merit: 324
To check balance on the windows wallet.

pirl-windows-amd64.exe console
web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(personal.listAccounts[0]), 'ether')
sr. member
Activity: 1021
Merit: 324
For future reference so no one has an advantage on the next release done like this.

1) download the tar.gz file from website
2) cmd "tar -xvzf 3) chmod +x pirl
4) ./pirl account new
5) ./pirl
Activity: 150
Merit: 10
LOL such a drama on 10+ pages. Dead coin, scam, no wallets, "unfair for majority of population"... Well, majority of popularion are dumb, ignorant and only know how to be spoon fed, that's a fact. FFS people, when i see someone with the hero member status asking for a miner for this (ETH based!) coin I wonder if any of his posts ever had any sense in them. No Windows wallet? Screw it, compiling a linux one only took me 10 minutes, and not long ago I knew absolutely nothing about *nix. There are instructions sitting in the open helping you to make your very own Windows wallet.  Pools? Read the thread, not just the ANN post. What else do you want?  No, I'm not saying if this coin is good, bad, or complete BS, I'm saying you came into crypto world for what, exactly - to be spoon fed so you can get an easy buck? Well GTFO and learn stuff, it might help you in the future. No one owes you jack.
Дeлo в oтнoшeнии дeвa к пpoeктy. Aнoнc был бoлee мecяцa нaзaд, пpи этoм бeз кaкиx либo дeтaлeй. B дyxe "eщё oдин шиткoин нa ethash", нe эмиccии, нe нaгpaды зa блoк, никaкoй aбcoлютнo инфы. Ho вcё жe peшил пpocлeдить зa пpoeктoм. Был тaймep дo зaпycкa, дa этo кpyтo. Ho кoгдa oн зaкoнчил oтcчёт, ничeгo нe пpoизoшлo. He пoявилocь никaкoй инфopмaции нa caйтe, ни в aннoтaции. Дeвy тyпo пoфиг нa cвoй пpoeкт нacтoлькo, чтo дaжe в тeмy нa фopyмe зaглянyть нe yдocyжилcя. Oн вooбщe зaинтepecoвaн в пoддepжкe мaйнepoв или нeт? B мoём чacoвoм пoяce этo былa глyбoкaя нoчь. Pacчитывaл пo быcтpoмy нaпиcaть бaтник и лeчь cпaть. Увидeв чтo кoшeлькoв нe вылoжили, yшёл нa бoкoвyю. A c yтpa oкaзaлocь, я дoлжeн был нaкaтить виpтyaльнyю мaшинy c *nix и кoмпилиpoвaть тaм кoшeль(xoтя дaжe для этoгo иcxoдники нeпoнятнo oткyдa нaдo былo взять). Дeв никaк вoбщe нe пoдгoтoвилcя к зaпycкy. Hopмaльнyю aннoтaцию c инфoй o мoнeтe cдeлaл тoлькo пocлe зaпycкa(xoтя кoшeля пoд виндy,блoк экcплopepa и xoть кaкoгo-тo poaдмaпa я тaм нe вижy дo cиx пop), eщё и 12% нaгpaды зa блoк ceбe зaбиpaeт кaк мacтepнoдa. T.e. вcё чтo cмoг cдeлaть дeв- пpидyмaть нaзвaниe мoнeты и eё эмиccию. Дaжe тyпo кoшeлeк кoммьюнити зa нeгo дoлжнo cдeлaть ceбe... Mнe кaжeтcя, дaжe шкoльник бoлee мнoгooбeщaющe мoг бы cдeлaть, лoл) Пoжaлyй oбoйдy пpoeкт cтopoнoй, ибo дaжe пpeдcтaвить тpyднo кaк тaкoй дeв мoжeт пpoдвинyть мoнeтy(никaк). B oтличиe oт "пpoдвинyтыx" пoльзoвaтeлeй, кoтopыe caми ceбe дeлaют кoшeльки, биpжи caми нa ceбя лиcтить нe бyдyт. И мoнeтa caмa cвoю cтoимocть нe бyдeт нapaщивaть.

P.S. Пишy пo pyccки пoтoмy чтo мнe тaк жe пoфиг нa мoй пocт, кaк дeвy нa eгo кoин. Ктo зaxoчeт и cмoжeт, тoт пoймёт и пepeвeдёт
full member
Activity: 621
Merit: 108
LOL such a drama on 10+ pages. Dead coin, scam, no wallets, "unfair for majority of population"... Well, majority of popularion are dumb, ignorant and only know how to be spoon fed, that's a fact. FFS people, when i see someone with the hero member status asking for a miner for this (ETH based!) coin I wonder if any of his posts ever had any sense in them. No Windows wallet? Screw it, compiling a linux one only took me 10 minutes, and not long ago I knew absolutely nothing about *nix. There are instructions sitting in the open helping you to make your very own Windows wallet.  Pools? Read the thread, not just the ANN post. What else do you want?  No, I'm not saying if this coin is good, bad, or complete BS, I'm saying you came into crypto world for what, exactly - to be spoon fed so you can get an easy buck? Well GTFO and learn stuff, it might help you in the future. No one owes you jack.
total mente de acuerdo,,,esto es un acto de mesquinda y dajades ,,,,es una momeda solo para un grupo selectivo y excluyente...

Tyнцa мoeгo лococни, xyeплёт.

Can't read this? Well who cares. You obvoiusly don't care if your posts are understood.
jr. member
Activity: 198
Merit: 1
LOL such a drama on 10+ pages. Dead coin, scam, no wallets, "unfair for majority of population"... Well, majority of popularion are dumb, ignorant and only know how to be spoon fed, that's a fact. FFS people, when i see someone with the hero member status asking for a miner for this (ETH based!) coin I wonder if any of his posts ever had any sense in them. No Windows wallet? Screw it, compiling a linux one only took me 10 minutes, and not long ago I knew absolutely nothing about *nix. There are instructions sitting in the open helping you to make your very own Windows wallet.  Pools? Read the thread, not just the ANN post. What else do you want?  No, I'm not saying if this coin is good, bad, or complete BS, I'm saying you came into crypto world for what, exactly - to be spoon fed so you can get an easy buck? Well GTFO and learn stuff, it might help you in the future. No one owes you jack.
total mente de acuerdo,,,esto es un acto de mesquinda y dajades ,,,,es una momeda solo para un grupo selectivo y excluyente...
Amigo, translate to english, please.
If you acecte nis disclpa
Activity: 136
Merit: 11
LOL such a drama on 10+ pages. Dead coin, scam, no wallets, "unfair for majority of population"... Well, majority of popularion are dumb, ignorant and only know how to be spoon fed, that's a fact. FFS people, when i see someone with the hero member status asking for a miner for this (ETH based!) coin I wonder if any of his posts ever had any sense in them. No Windows wallet? Screw it, compiling a linux one only took me 10 minutes, and not long ago I knew absolutely nothing about *nix. There are instructions sitting in the open helping you to make your very own Windows wallet.  Pools? Read the thread, not just the ANN post. What else do you want?  No, I'm not saying if this coin is good, bad, or complete BS, I'm saying you came into crypto world for what, exactly - to be spoon fed so you can get an easy buck? Well GTFO and learn stuff, it might help you in the future. No one owes you jack.
total mente de acuerdo,,,esto es un acto de mesquinda y dajades ,,,,es una momeda solo para un grupo selectivo y excluyente...
Amigo, translate to english, please.
jr. member
Activity: 198
Merit: 1
LOL such a drama on 10+ pages. Dead coin, scam, no wallets, "unfair for majority of population"... Well, majority of popularion are dumb, ignorant and only know how to be spoon fed, that's a fact. FFS people, when i see someone with the hero member status asking for a miner for this (ETH based!) coin I wonder if any of his posts ever had any sense in them. No Windows wallet? Screw it, compiling a linux one only took me 10 minutes, and not long ago I knew absolutely nothing about *nix. There are instructions sitting in the open helping you to make your very own Windows wallet.  Pools? Read the thread, not just the ANN post. What else do you want?  No, I'm not saying if this coin is good, bad, or complete BS, I'm saying you came into crypto world for what, exactly - to be spoon fed so you can get an easy buck? Well GTFO and learn stuff, it might help you in the future. No one owes you jack.
total mente de acuerdo,,,esto es un acto de mesquinda y dajades ,,,,es una momeda solo para un grupo selectivo y excluyente...
Activity: 78
Merit: 102
LOL such a drama on 10+ pages. Dead coin, scam, no wallets, "unfair for majority of population"... Well, majority of popularion are dumb, ignorant and only know how to be spoon fed, that's a fact. FFS people, when i see someone with the hero member status asking for a miner for this (ETH based!) coin I wonder if any of his posts ener had any sense in them. No Windows wallet? Screw it, compiling a linux one only took me 10 minutes, and not long ago I knew absolutely nothing about *nix. There are instructions sitting in the open helping you to make your very own Windows wallet.  Pools? Read the thread, not just the ANN post. What else do you want?  No, I'm not saying if this coin is good, bad, or complete BS, I'm saying you came into crypto world for what, exactly - to be spoon fed so you can get an easy buck? Well GTFO and learn stuff, it might help you in the future. No one owes you jack.

I did see a lot of that happening as well...people echoing the same question when all the answers are sitting right in front of them. Very good point about Hero status my opinion questions with obvious answers. You indeed make a very good point!

Do some research first and stop piggy-backing on others. Im not changing my opinion of the fairness of the launch, it's just not a free ride!
full member
Activity: 336
Merit: 102
LOL such a drama on 10+ pages. Dead coin, scam, no wallets, "unfair for majority of population"... Well, majority of popularion are dumb, ignorant and only know how to be spoon fed, that's a fact. FFS people, when i see someone with the hero member status asking for a miner for this (ETH based!) coin I wonder if any of his posts ener had any sense in them. No Windows wallet? Screw it, compiling a linux one only took me 10 minutes, and not long ago I knew absolutely nothing about *nix. There are instructions sitting in the open helping you to make your very own Windows wallet.  Pools? Read the thread, not just the ANN post. What else do you want?  No, I'm not saying if this coin is good, bad, or complete BS, I'm saying you came into crypto world for what, exactly - to be spoon fed so you can get an easy buck? Well GTFO and learn stuff, it might help you in the future. No one owes you jack.

The problem is not if we can compile a Linux wallet or not. They clearly stated that a windows wallet would be release at launch, do you see one? No, then shut up. They are only trying to fool poor guys like yourself.

full member
Activity: 621
Merit: 108
LOL such a drama on 10+ pages. Dead coin, scam, no wallets, "unfair for majority of population"... Well, majority of popularion are dumb, ignorant and only know how to be spoon fed, that's a fact. FFS people, when i see someone with the hero member status asking for a miner for this (ETH based!) coin I wonder if any of his posts ever had any sense in them. No Windows wallet? Screw it, compiling a linux one only took me 10 minutes, and not long ago I knew absolutely nothing about *nix. There are instructions sitting in the open helping you to make your very own Windows wallet.  Pools? Read the thread, not just the ANN post. What else do you want?  No, I'm not saying if this coin is good, bad, or complete BS, I'm saying you came into crypto world for what, exactly - to be spoon fed so you can get an easy buck? Well GTFO and learn stuff, it might help you in the future. No one owes you jack.
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