The person/people selling are satisfied with the amount of money they took from everyone else. Simple as that.
It is not, at all, simple as that. Theoretically everyone put forth a certain amount of money to have ownership of a certain amount of the asset at the time. If the price goes up, they can choose what to do. Everyone had to put something up knowing the risks involved. That is about as simple as it gets.
I made some profit from old DNET coins, bought too high during recent appreciation hoping to make more profit (still do!) and ended up breaking even (I could've made out nicely). I'm not belly-aching about it though. Simple math clearly validates this asset. The RSI always returns right to 50%, distribution is evening out, and the price has not plummeted without recovering. It's not a dump. It's initial profit taking.
Something that did not happen ... tons of money put into an ICO that is dumped before you can get past a Captcha. The volume is consistent and there have been literally days of opportunity to take profit.
And yes, to whomever asked earlier, I realize I am on the Internet. Again, the tone. This contributes to why many people don't take us as seriously as we might like. This is a product, a developing economy; I'm going to act like a professional when discussing how to handle finances and technology that are in their infancy.