OK, the New Wallet is almost ready, but I wanted to run a few more tests after we merge it to the public repo, and also explain the process you will need to take to make this a seem less update...
You will need to rename only 2 items 'BEFORE' you start the new wallet for the first time, or this will be more complicated.
First thing is to shut your wallet down gracefully as everyone always should..
1.) First Item to rename will be your working folder, presently, it is called '.darknet' and is a hidden directory. this directory needs to be renamed to '.pivx' .
2.) Second item you need to rename is your existing 'darknet.conf' file which is located inside the previously renamed directory. Rename this file 'pivx.conf' .
then restart your NEW wallet and everything will be good.
If you do not follow these simple instructions, some panic may sit in, when you realize that the wallet shows 'Zero' coins, in which case, you will need to shut down your wallet again, and move your wallet.dat and darknet.conf file to the newly created directory. and then rename it to pivx.conf.
I am hoping that all my tests go well, and we will be pushing some new binaries sometime today. They will be v2.1.4.0, Yes I saw some people wanted a larger update with the versioning, but that would require everyone to restart all their masternodes (as is required for all protocol bumps), and there is no need this time around.. I will suggest that everyone updates their masternodes as well following the same instructions as above. only do a few at a time, and as long as the masternode is back up and running within 50 minutes you will retain you place in the que.
I will post again when I have the new binaries up on github, and will update the wallet links at that time.. remember.. v2.1.4.0 is the version you want..
edit; you will also need to set the themes under option to default the first time on the new wallet, then restart the wallet and you will be good.
Source is up for the self builders among you, Binaries are cooking now as I head to bed. I will be uploading the new Binaries in the morning..