OK everyone, I have been really busy with some non-crypto stuffs lately, I have been neglecting my duties here, and for that I apologize.
I live in northern NY, I don't mean like Buffalo, I mean like Massena, really northern NY. I heat my home with firewood that I cut myself on our land, I hate to sweat, so I do it as I need it through the winter. I use a Suzuki Samurai to get in the woods and retrieve it, the Samurai I use for firewood(I have a few of them) took a pretty good beating last year and I neglected working on it all summer as I was so focused on DarkNet. It is starting to get cold here and I really needed to get some work done in preparation for winter. One thing lead to another and the project became more and more involved. I have spent the past few weeks in the garage basically from the time I got up until I came in and crashed from exhaustion. I do still have a bit more work to do on that front, but have put things on pause for now to hop in here and look into what happened with the budget payments.
I thought that I had fixed the issue, yes we had a similar problem last month, but there were only 2 budget items, and the person who was effected is not active in here, but is on skype with us all of the time. There is still some work that needs to be done on the testnet, as I was unable to get budget payments to go through on there, so was not able to test the changes I made in an effort to fix the problem.
DarkNet is pushing forward with being the first on several fronts, the first PoS coin on a more modern BTC codebase, the first PoS coin to utilize the decentralized blockchain based budget and voting system, and many more to follow. There will be bumps along the way, as you all have come to realize by now. Nothing will stop us from pushing on, it would be nice to bring some more devs on board on a more permanent basis to help, I see that there have been a few pull requests on github, that is a good sign in that regard.
Well, I am going to get back to work on DarkNet for the rest of the day, anyway. I will still be in and out over the next week or so while I wrap up my Samurai project, I will try to be more available during that time, but I do kind of have a one track mind, and it is getting colder and colder here, we've had frost twice now.
Your doing a cracking job keep up the good work on Darknet, but no wood for heating = very cold fingers etc
life first mate we all understand