I have used a wallet from may. Resynced from scratch. It is the program.
so what is the workaround? was just told to use a wallet pre version.
will this get fixed in an update?
Here is a solid work around for the lagging issue in the console.
masternode start-alias
masternode start-alias
etc etc..
we are looking into this issue...
EDIT: Make sure you have synced all the masternodes in your list before you start this, depending on the peers you have, this may take awhile after all the data has been synced. Check you masternode totals from the information tab against the Crowning stats page. You may not see all, but should see most (All depends on the peers you are connected to)
# date: 20160819
# author: @marsmensch
# function: this script outputs a list of all configured masternodes with their alias
# this output can be used to start even big numbers of masternodes easily one-by-one
for MASTERNODE in $(darknet-cli masternode list-conf | awk -F":" '/masternode/{getline;gsub("\"",""); gsub(",",""); print $2 }')
echo "darknet-cli walletpassphrase
echo "darknet-cli masternode start-alias ${MASTERNODE}"
Example output:
darknet-cli walletpassphrase
darknet-cli masternode start-alias MN6
darknet-cli walletpassphrase
darknet-cli masternode start-alias MN7
darknet-cli walletpassphrase
darknet-cli masternode start-alias MN8
darknet-cli walletpassphrase
darknet-cli masternode start-alias MN9
darknet-cli walletpassphrase
darknet-cli masternode start-alias MN10
darknet-cli walletpassphrase
darknet-cli masternode start-alias MN11
darknet-cli walletpassphrase
darknet-cli masternode start-alias MN12
darknet-cli walletpassphrase