No. Just figured out the issue. I screwed up. Last night when I entered the time parameter I added a day to the converter without looking at the date. I inadvertently made the start time tomorrow at 9PM EST by doing that. It is too late to change that now and still have a fair launch. Totally my fault, I am so sorry. It is what it is now.
For anyone wondering, the reason for the blocks that did go through is that I had to make a custom wallet to get the chain moving again. Otherwise everyone would be sitting there waiting for the sync to finish before they could stake, and with no one staking the newest block would have continue to be 2 days old, and no one would start staking, and so on and so on.
So, with that said, tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel.
It did serve as a good quick test. Thanks for forgiving my screw up.
It was exciting for that first 15 blocks at least. We'll think of it as a teaser.
More time for me to get my wallets ready.
Haha yes it was exciting. One more day shouldnt make too big of a difference though