I feel bad, this is my error in the code. Sorry to let you all down.
What happens to the coins that i withdrew from bittrex after block 259200?
It came through without issue .will i lose that?
That would be an issue.......I also did a couple of small transfers.
I am not sure how you could have something go through after 259200. My guess is that you minted it into a transaction yourself and that it will be in the mempool waiting to get into a block once the update is ready.
Initial testing has gone well, I have a few nodes synced up to a PoS chain. Should have more details to you folks soon. I am more than happy to give up any staking rewards I have received in the process.
I did 1 small and 1 large withdraw from bittrex after block 259200 using v2 wallet.
It was done during the time when i was getting stake rewards. (minted) (still am)
It has over 1000 confirms so yeah, it would be an issue if i just lose it...
Surely there must have been others who also withdrew after block 259200. (but maybe not on this forum)
That would mean they will also lose their coins. Hmm.