Tried this from the op
If you are running Debian/Ubuntu/Mint etc. You can install the binaries/Daemons using Apt as well;
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:shaun-mcbride/darknet
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install darknet-qt
sudo apt-get install darknet-cli
sudo apt-get install darknetd
sudo apt-get install darknet-tx
Running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
"can't locate darknet-cli" is where the first error message came in.. I take it there is more than the above mentioned 6 steps?
I want to just mine enough to set up a masternode .. thats about it
PM: Just switched OS from windows 10 to Ubuntu ~ so i'm not exactly what you would call veteran in this
Ok, so earlier I was chatting with our guy who runs the Launchpad stuff, the darknet-cli/darknet-tx daemon files is not yet available, so for the time being, that means is only good for the Qt wallet. if you want to use the daemon files for a master node. you have 2 choices, you can compile them yourself (if you are using 16.04) or you can download the precompiled binaries I provided in the OP that were compiled for 14.04. The launchpad should be fixed up shortly, I apologize for the hassles there. if you want to compile them, if you look back a few pages, someone posted the instructions for compiling the linux binaries. Honestly, you don't really even need the darknet-tx daemon file.
Thanks for the help ..