Proposal #2- Name: PoWRewardReduction2
- Variable PoW block reward reducing by 50 every 50k blocks (approx every 34 days)
- Coin Supply During PoW Phase: 39 800 000
Blocks 1 - 59 200:
POW reward: 250 DNET
Total supply: 14 800 000
Blocks 59 201 - 109 200:
POW reward: 200 DNET
Total supply: 24 800 000
Blocks 109 201 - 159 200
POW reward: 150 DNET
Total supply: 32 300 000
Blocks 159 201 - 209 200:
POW reward: 100 DNET
Total supply: 37 300 000
Blocks 209 201 - 259 200
POW reward: 50 DNET
Total supply: 39 800 000
To vote
in favor = "mnbudget vote ce4d6c02169d85bd86eaf7fc545c639093a0ad95891f36d0e9ce90ecc7aabff4 yes"
To vote
against = "mnbudget vote ce4d6c02169d85bd86eaf7fc545c639093a0ad95891f36d0e9ce90ecc7aabff4 no"
(use 'vote-many' instead of 'vote' to vote using all your MN at once via controller wallet)
"PoWRewardReduction2" : {
"Name" : "PoWRewardReduction2",
"URL" : "",
"Hash" : "ce4d6c02169d85bd86eaf7fc545c639093a0ad95891f36d0e9ce90ecc7aabff4",
"FeeHash" : "9f818fb33e46ff0e0ff789f1ef677bf1302ce0e7c888ea434b54f0e8cda711c8",
"BlockStart" : 43200,
"BlockEnd" : 108000,
"TotalPaymentCount" : 1,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 0,
"PaymentAddress" : "DMAUefC1YXGtoQDxMxTcHmf9JQUK5MLsa7",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"TotalPayment" : 10.00000000,
"MonthlyPayment" : 10.00000000,
"IsEstablished" : false,
"IsValid" : true,
"IsValidReason" : "",
"fValid" : true
I think i'll support your proposal if nothing more interesting not appears.