Thank you for going ahead and following through with submitting a proposal. It wasn't really that hard once you did it, was it?
There are a few problems I see with your proposals.
You propose to change the rewards per block at block 59200, yet don't set any type of a deadline for voting. Typically it set for you, but seeing as how you want to start the change before voting would technically be over, you should probably specify a block to be the deadline for voting.
You also intend to have the change take effect in ~10 days, I think you may need to allow more time before the change would go into effect, I would suggest allowing a week for voting and a week for the change to go into effect, at a minimum, that may even be a little quick. I can make the change in the source quickly, and put out new wallets, but everyone should be given ample opportunity to update their wallets.
With that said, again, regardless of my personal stance on your ideas, thanks for actually submitting proposals, without that type of community involvement no changes to the reward structure or anything else will help to maintain, and increase the value of DarkNet.
Thanks for writing up a guide on how it was done. Made it sound easy enough to give it a go.
As you noticed, I wasn't sure about the end block. (your syntax didn't mention the end block?)
So the voting needs to be all submitted between the BlockStart & BlockEnd number and won't end before it?
I just assumed all proposals needed to have the same BlockEnd number. I guess I should of made it shorter.
Can I delete a proposal that I submitted?
Also, can a MN make multiple votes? or is it just once per 43200 blocks?
I'll submit some other proposals once I get this down pat.
The end block is actually half way through the budget period after the proposal, so the payment will already have been made by then. You can't change the end block.
For proposals that are intended to gauge support for ideas you can set an arbitrary end of voting in the description of the proposal, as long as it is not ridiculous short, like a few days or less, we will honor it.
You can't delete proposals, and Masternodes only get one vote each per proposal, but you can change your vote back and forth as many times as you like.
If you make new proposals, following similar reward structures, just with changes a bit more in the future, and PM me your address I will refund the cost of your initial proposals as my way of saying thanks for doing your part. I would suggest making the changes in reward coincide with budget blocks, so every 43200 blocks, and start at block 86400, that way the budget for the month would be easier calculated. If the reward changes in the middle of a budget period, and the budget is 10% of the rewards for that period it is not as straightforward coming up with the total budget for the month. It wouldn't be that much more difficult, but I like to keep things as simple as possible.
I still don't like the idea of changing the rewards, it really feels to me like people trying to profit from an early investment. Not that I don't think that is a reasonable expectation, but everyone got into this coin knowing ahead of time what the coin roll out would look like for the initial 6 months. I feel the whole "lets cut the number of overall coins" debate stems from a place of greed, not just what is best for the coin. I don't see the difference between 32 million coins at 2k sats and 64 million coins at 1k sats, you still have the same market cap. I hold a substantial pile of coins, and stand to have my holdings worth more with fewer coins, but that is not what I am really here for. Sure, I would like to monetize my time invested in this project at some point, but I am also interested in creating something new, sustainable, and innovative.