This has been tested on the Latest Jesse Raspbian Build and the Wheezy Raspbian Build available from the Raspberry Website Now. To avoid any issues, please use a clean fresh Raspbian Image.
Just download the script through the RPi itself then;
chmod +x Install-Darknet-RPi2
then to start the installation
The script will download, install all the necessary deps and git source as well as compile the binary and move it to your home directory.
When completed,
I got an insufficient memory error installing Darknet onto a linux VPS with 768Mb memory... what could have caused this problem? It was a completely fresh instance of the VPS.
Building software on Linux requires memory. With the base OS using somewhere around 256MB that leaves you with only 512MB to play with. To do the build, I would recommend no less than 2GB of Ram on the VPS. To get around this, you could just download the pre-compiled binary that they have available.
You could also just create a swap file. You can build coin daemons from source on vps's with 768MB ram and a 2GB swap file.
Hm, good call. Since I only need darknetd and darknet-cli I can just build it anywhere, and upload only those two files to the VPS, no?
I would have just used a pre-compiled linux binary, but s3v3n purposely didn't build one.