Looks like we are just have 3 hours only to play it everyday, why the time is so short ? Is the coin automatically transfered to our wallet after play the game?
The time is so short because this is the current timeframe we have to show the actual gameplay on the facade of the "Kunsthaus" in Graz/Austria. (see
http://bixcam.kunsthausgraz.at/). One part of the whole play4privacy concept is to keep the gameplay private and anonym, but the outcome transparent (blockchain) and public (facade at the kunsthaus).
The tokens get distributed once every day as a batch-transaction.
....but the bixcam is killing me!!! it's draining my bandwidth quota
anyway to turn off the cam... there's nothing special to see on it anyway
We've added the option to adjust the refresh-rate from 2 seconds to 50 seconds as you like. That should help
The new changes will be avaliable right before the next play-phase today.
*update* Added the Option to kill the refresh at all