So is the auto exchange busted?
I just left comp mining for 12+ hours with Nemosminer and going by the MPH dashboards for the coins I mined:
GRS - 0.01202602
XZC - 0.04434626
DGB - 0.02480298
XMCC - 0.00365553
GRS - 0.01202602
BTG - 0.00075413
I have the autoexchange in MPH set to exchange for LTC. I have huge chunks, if not the entire amounts of each coin missing from the MPH balances page. I calculated how much what I mined should be worth (minus BTG since its still sitting in credited for exchange column) in LTC by current market prices and should be 0.02694516 LTC give or take fluctuation/fee and thats not counting the BTG at all. Meanwhile, what I have is a whopping 0.00254301 LTC, with most of what I mined to exchange gone from Balances only showing in the last 24hr earned section of respective dashboards. Am I missing something here?
MPH Nemos Start BAT in case the problem is on my end:
powershell -version 5.0 -noexit -executionpolicy bypass -windowstyle maximized -command "&.\NemosMiner-v2.3.ps1 -SelGPUDSTM '0 1' -SelGPUCC '0,1' -Currency USD -Passwordcurrency LTC -interval 120 -Username MyUserName -Workername MyUserName.workername -Location US -PoolName miningpoolhub -Type nvidia -Algorithm lyra2z,equihash,Lyra2RE2,neoscrypt -Donate 5
**(I removed some algo after benchmark if you notice some coin above that doesn't have algo in Bat thats why)**
Yes, I'm somewhat new to this but trust when I tell you its been weeks of reading 200 page longs forum posts, consuming overwhelming amounts of info, compiling miners with no previous experience in any of this ect so I'm not trying to be a noob or have someone spoon feed me info ect, I'm non stop trying to figure this stuff out myself and learn as I go. I've asked for help on only 2 different issues elsewhere before this and both times was met with outright hostility, responses of don't even bother answering him, make him figure it out himself despite my spending all day every day reading and attempting to grasp all of this. I'm just willing to bet there are people here way more knowledgeable on this stuff than I and currently I'm at a loss for what is going wrong. I can't afford to spend 12hours mining for the result to be 0.00254301 LTC lol Massive thanks if anyone can help (without the need to be a condescending douche about it*)
Did you check the
[*edit]transaction section of each of those coins'? If you look there it should show you every single transaction that is pending including any transaction/pool fees.
Then check the transactions of the coin you are auto exchanging to.
When I first started mining at this pool I found out that the dashboard sucked pretty bad and gives you the impression that there is shady shit going on.
But after about 3 days the amounts earned in the last 24 hours for my auto exchange coin started adding up. I was getting about what I was getting from NiceHash before the hack.
Then about 2-3 more days later on about the 5th or 6th day of mining here I saw that my average 24 hour income here was exceeding what I had been getting from NiceHash by >25% per day.
I decided the crappy dashboard was something I could deal with. I also decided to change to LTC payouts because they are a much lower threshold for auto payout. And the TX fees are <$0.030.
Then when I switched I noticed the 24 hour average dropped off pretty hard 30-40% for a day or 2. Then again after 3-4 days the 24 hour average pick up again and there were some small amounts getting transferred into BTC still. It was a small enough amount that I just said F-it I will leave it.
Now for the last 2 weeks I have been mining with MPH and I have to say I am very satisfied with the income level. I will be staying for the foreseeable future.
My only 2 complaints are that
- 1. The dashboard needs serious improvement.
- 2. There needs to be a way to auto-exchange every coin on the pool.
*edit - changed
"wallet section" to
"transaction section"