Here is my command line for ccminer
ccminer.exe -a x11 -d gtx1080ti -o stratum+tcp:// -u arc_address_here -p c=ARC
[2018-01-18 19:04:37] accepted: 0/205 (0.00%), 21.59 MH/s booooo
[2018-01-18 19:04:37] reject reason: Invalid job id
[2018-01-18 19:04:38] GPU #0: EVGA GTX 1080 Ti, 21.47 MH/s
[2018-01-18 19:04:38] accepted: 0/206 (0.00%), 21.60 MH/s booooo
[2018-01-18 19:04:38] reject reason: Invalid job id
What am I doing wrong?
I would have tried the sniffminer but wasn't sure if it worked with sending to anything but BTC address.
If you want to mine ARC, you need to say "-p c=ARC,mc=ARC" to tell it your wallet is an ARC wallet (currency 'c' is ARC) and mined coin (mc) is ARC as well. Also the port is 3533 not 8333 as provided for x11 algorithm. Finally, you would add an "-x11" on the end of it, making it "-p c=ARC,mc=ARC-x11" if you are mining more then one specific coin in this algorithm and this is coin 2 or 3 or x > 1. This should solve your probs. I would try it without the -d command, see if that works, and then try adding the -d back in if all is good. Hope this helps...