I'm trying to withdraw my staking amount from https://wallet.callisto.network/#send-transaction using Ledger Nano S and I'm getting this error
What am I doing wrong?
Hey Big Daddy
Please try to follow these steps :
- Install Brave or Opera browser.
- Open Ethereum app on nano s.
- Set network to ETH on Callisto wallet and connect.
- Switch network to Callisto after connecting.
I've tried those steps above,
My CLOs and staking status are visible only if I set network to CLO and by Selecting HD derivation path:
Ledger (ETC)
And than using Opera or Brave, I'm getting the same error...
I was just waiting for your feedback, so let's try other ways to solve it.
Please :
- Update Ledger firmware to latest version
- Update clo app under the manager section
- And try to follow this guide : https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003117594-Troubleshoot-firmware-update
Unfortunately, you're not the only one in trouble and the team is actively looking for a solution