
Topic: [ANN][PRE-ICO] 🌿🍅🍆 EcoGreenHouse - Opгaничecкиe пpoдyкты для вac - page 5. (Read 8033 times)

sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
Hi, interesting and much needed project.  Great job team.

"grown organic products will be shipped only to members of the EGH club"

You'll ship to homes in any country?  Will we pay with tokens only to receive products?  What products will you grow?


Quite right!
We grow it and send it to you.
You eat organic foods.
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
Will you apply any special fertilizers for growing vegetables?


We do not use any chemical fertilizers, we use only what nature gives us
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
And do you already own land in which you plan to build greenhouses?

The simplest thing in this project is to buy land. More than 50 offers of suitable land within a radius of 100 km.
Our focus is on the engineering side of the project.
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
And which products will you grow in your greenhouses?
Vegetables. But what exactly is unknown, I would like to see the list myself)

At the first stage we will grow tomatoes, cucumbers and greens
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
The CHEX Token |
Hi, interesting and much needed project.  Great job team.

"grown organic products will be shipped only to members of the EGH club"

You'll ship to homes in any country?  Will we pay with tokens only to receive products?  What products will you grow?
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
And do you already own land in which you plan to build greenhouses?
The purchase of land and construction are planned after the collection of investments at the stage of pre-ICO and ICO
It is clear, but where do they plan to buy land for the construction of greenhouses?
If you read carefully their whipper, then everything will be clear) In general, they tend to build a large complex of greenhouses along the border with China. But for starters it is planned to build the first greenhouses in Moscow and St. Petersburg Wink
Are you an investor?
Not yet, but I plan to become one after the start of the PRE-ICO company Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
And do you already own land in which you plan to build greenhouses?
The purchase of land and construction are planned after the collection of investments at the stage of pre-ICO and ICO
It is clear, but where do they plan to buy land for the construction of greenhouses?
If you read carefully their whipper, then everything will be clear) In general, they tend to build a large complex of greenhouses along the border with China. But for starters it is planned to build the first greenhouses in Moscow and St. Petersburg Wink
full member
Activity: 644
Merit: 103
And do you already own land in which you plan to build greenhouses?
The purchase of land and construction are planned after the collection of investments at the stage of pre-ICO and ICO
It is clear, but where do they plan to buy land for the construction of greenhouses?
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
And do you already own land in which you plan to build greenhouses?
The purchase of land and construction are planned after the collection of investments at the stage of pre-ICO and ICO
full member
Activity: 644
Merit: 103
And do you already own land in which you plan to build greenhouses?
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 250
And which products will you grow in your greenhouses?
Vegetables. But what exactly is unknown, I would like to see the list myself)
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 250
Hi, pre-iso has already started? or not
There are 3 days left to start
full member
Activity: 644
Merit: 103
By investing in the project, I become a member of the EGH club, as a member of this club, can I visit smart greenhouses and see with my own eyes how this innovative technology works?

of course you can see how vegetables grow, we will use web cameras
So I can watch in real time how my vegetables grow? Wow that's cool!
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250

The team of EGH has a lot of experience
- of attracting investments in the amount of 250.000.000 $,
- of managing 450 subordinates,
- of holding an IPO,
- of organizing work of the management team in projects,
- of introducing financial models and management accounting,
- of tax planning and the use of foreign jurisdictions,
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
Would you create a thread on russian? I think it will be popular , very interesting to see what russian guys will post about this project.

thanks for the advice, we will create

for the Russian community we represent White Paper

English version will be soon
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
Would you create a thread on russian? I think it will be popular , very interesting to see what russian guys will post about this project.

thanks for the advice, we will create
full member
Activity: 490
Merit: 105
Would you create a thread on russian? I think it will be popular , very interesting to see what russian guys will post about this project.
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
Is it possible to get acquainted with the prototype of the future artificial intelligence system somewhere, or can you read the information about the principles of its work?

The prototype ai for a greenhouse is a highly specialized tool.
I think the main thing that you need to understand that AI analyzes the many parameters of soil, air and water, and compares them with the qualities of vegetables.
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
Where can I find the white paper of this ISO?

on the first page or in my signature
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
By investing in the project, I become a member of the EGH club, as a member of this club, can I visit smart greenhouses and see with my own eyes how this innovative technology works?

of course you can see how vegetables grow, we will use web cameras
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