
Topic: [ANN][PRE-ICO] 🌿🍅🍆 EcoGreenHouse - Opгaничecкиe пpoдyкты для вac - page 9. (Read 8033 times)

sr. member
Activity: 588
Merit: 250
I really like the idea of using artificial intelligence and machine learning to grow an agricultural crop, the computer will automatically determine the necessary conditions and climate, it's very cool!
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
You guys really want to make the world a better place. Now in markets it's impossible to find real organic products. Will support you!

thanks, we appreciate your support. join our bounty
hero member
Activity: 729
Merit: 502
You guys really want to make the world a better place. Now in markets it's impossible to find real organic products. Will support you!
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
The project seems to me not so much promising as much as necessary.

There are tons of ICO projects popping around here like mushrooms. Sometimes its very easy to spot which of them will really deliver or not. Project with real world use case tends to be more successful than the others.

Yes, there are many new projects, but only few diamonds
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
What profits do you promise investors?

For members of our club, we sell our products at $ 1.09 per kilogram and in a sepermarket the same product costs $ 3.23.
Already many shops are interested in our ICO
You can calculate the profitability yourself.
But we have a special offer.
from September 27 to October 04 you can buy our token and get a bonus up to 50%
in November the bonus will be only up to 10%
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
The project seems to me not so much promising as much as necessary.

Well, everyone has their own preferences.
I think this project will exist much longer than others
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
why should I buy egh?

The market potential of organic products in Russia is $ 5 billion, and today this niche is almost empty.
We have a great opportunity to occupy this market.

So you are planning to occupy only the Russian market?

The Russian market is home to us, but we are seriously looking at China.
China is ready to buy our products in very large quantities.
Russia has a lot of clean land good for organic farming.
We have a brilliant opportunity to occupy the Chinese market also

The Chinese market is very competitive, why do you think that you will be able to become popular there? Is there something special about you that distinguishes you from other organic food farms?

You are right about the competition in the Chinese market.
But this is more about non-food items
My friends are supplying ice cream to China and it is sold there as hot cakes.
In China, there are more and more rich people and the richer you are, the more quality food you consume.
In China there is a saying: you buy clothes for the sake of others, and food for yourself.
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
How does this project use blockchain technology? In whitepaper there is no any information. Just promises and advantages of investing. In my opinion this project should make IPO with appropriate legal control. By the way we have in Russia hightly uncertain position of the government to crypto and ICO.

As far as I know, next year in Russia they plan to legalize the Crypto-currency. But I do not think that this will somehow affect the project. It seems to be quite good

We have a real business and we are not dependent on crypto currency
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
Oh, come on. Russia lives in crisis, perhaps, always, this is its usual state. And then, the price of vegetables in Russia is high only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in other cities everything is quite affordable. And, by the way, grown without GMO))

Why are prices so different? Different suppliers?

good question. In small towns people have a house with a backyard where they can grow vegetables for themselves.
In cities, people do not have a backyard.
Just think about the official statistics:
in 1971 there were 4700 hectares of greenhouses
in 1990 there were 3,700 hectares of greenhouses
in 1997 there were 2400 hectares of greenhouses
in 2006 there were 2,100 hectares of greenhouses
I think the numbers show you why this project has every chance of success
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
The second project is engaged in agriculture. Is it fashion? Although I'm for a clean food, so I'm ready to support you

Thank you
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
Oh, come on. Russia lives in crisis, perhaps, always, this is its usual state. And then, the price of vegetables in Russia is high only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in other cities everything is quite affordable. And, by the way, grown without GMO))

You are right in Moscow and St. Petersburg prices are higher.
You can grow vegetables in your backyard in the village, but you can not do it for a whole year.
In the cities, the backyard is not available.
Cities still have a deficit of organic vegetables for the whole year
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
Another project on agriculture? So this is a promising topic?

You will be surprised, but Yes. This is a very promising business

My dear farmers,
I'm looking at your project and see a blank space.
1) You're talking about organic products and what do you mean exactly? Maybe you're not going to use GMO? If so you're simply supporting stereotypic views on Genetic Engineering aiming to earn money from the noneducated audience.
2) You're telling us, that your vegetables will be grown by artificial intelligence. It's called a-u-t-m-a-t-i-s-a-t-i-o-n and being implemented in each greenhouse on the Earth.
3) You want us to consider your product a premium segment. I got a question, who will buy them in Russia? As you know, it's financial crisis in here and most people not living but surviving.
4) Any scientific proof , that my life will last longer, if I eat so called "organic food"?? Just trying to make sure you know, what you say on your website.
5)Btw. if you have really launched a successfull IPO, why are trying to launch ICO? Maybe because of the lack of legal control?Smiley You dont even use smart why the #$%@ you need blockchain?
6)Where is your WP?

I can ask a thousand more question, but I've already got you guys....SCAM.

Vegetables will be grown by artificial intelligence? This is a very serious statement

artificial intelligence will help us become more effective

Guys, artificial intelligence is still in the realm of fantasy, but are you going to introduce it into some farms? At all desire, to me in it it is weakly believed. What exactly can it improve?

Artificial intelek as shown in the movie is far from being realized.
However, some of its aspects may well find application in our greenhouse.
Already, Artificial intelec can distinguish cats from dogs. In medicine, the analysis of MRI data makes the diagnosis more accurate than a person. There are many examples and we have found our application.
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
By the way, will not the low price of the ether affect the project?

Hello, we believe in the future of the crypto-currency world. Therefore, we do not pay attention to the momentary fluctuations

But after all, you are laying a certain price of the ether in your project?

Hi, it's true, we are counting on our business plan based on the price of 250-300
sr. member
Activity: 444
Merit: 250
The project seems to me not so much promising as much as necessary.

There are tons of ICO projects popping around here like mushrooms. Sometimes its very easy to spot which of them will really deliver or not. Project with real world use case tends to be more successful than the others.
Activity: 96
Merit: 10
Waiting for the bounty campaign for this.  Smiley Smiley Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 250
What profits do you promise investors?
sr. member
Activity: 329
Merit: 250
How does this project use blockchain technology? In whitepaper there is no any information. Just promises and advantages of investing. In my opinion this project should make IPO with appropriate legal control. By the way we have in Russia hightly uncertain position of the government to crypto and ICO.

As far as I know, next year in Russia they plan to legalize the Crypto-currency. But I do not think that this will somehow affect the project. It seems to be quite good
sr. member
Activity: 588
Merit: 250
Oh, come on. Russia lives in crisis, perhaps, always, this is its usual state. And then, the price of vegetables in Russia is high only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in other cities everything is quite affordable. And, by the way, grown without GMO))

Why are prices so different? Different suppliers?
sr. member
Activity: 560
Merit: 250
The second project is engaged in agriculture. Is it fashion? Although I'm for a clean food, so I'm ready to support you
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