We would like to announce the launch of Crowd for Angels Pre-ICO for our
Liquid Crypto Bond. It is the first ICO from a regulated company and provides, what we hope is a welcomed addition to the market. Please visit
https://crowdforangels.com/ICO to find out more information and to download our whitepaper.
Crowd for Angels (CfA) proposes to raise up to £50 million through a 5-year Liquid Crypto Bond paying 3% interest per annum. The purpose of the raised funds would be to support SMEs seeking capital via the Crowd for Angels Platform. The capital raised will be invested into secured crowd bonds. For every £1 invested, 100 tokens will be mined by Crowd for Angels. Up to 99 of these tokens will be issued to the initial investors as rewards, with Crowd for Angels retaining the balance. This bond will enable investors to get exposure to a secured underlying asset along with diversification benefits through the crypto offering.
1) Investors invest in a Bond (security) via our platform with the token given as a gift (reward). All funds will be held in fiat in a segregated account in a major UK bank.
2) ANGEL token has no nominal value at the time of issue. It can be freely traded (after issue) and used on our platform once a value is established.
3) Value Creation – When a business raises finance through our platform, they pay a “funding facility fee” (usually ranging from 2-4% for debt finance). Crowd for Angels will use 1% to purchase Angel Tokens from the exchange market and burn it leading to a reduction in the overall supply. Instead of receiving these tokens to pay our fees, we take them out of circulation and this will cement the value created during purchase.
Finally, any investments will be made via our platform. We will NOT ask investors to send Crypto to our wallet.
Please visit
https://crowdforangels.com/ICO to find out more information and to download our whitepaper.
Whitepaper here:
https://crowdforangels.com/pdf/Crowd_for_Angels_Whitepaper.pdfWe are on Telegram -