
Topic: $[ANN][PRE-ICO] SuperPay - Super Rich your life. - page 16. (Read 4234 times)

jr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 1
Hi all,

We make a video for SuperPay's introduction so you can easily understand the purpose of the project.
Please refer to below Youtube link :

Thank you.
Thank you for the video which detailed describes the structure of work projects. All and so were clear, personally for me, but to video it is shown clearly and accurately. I will monitor and further for the news of this quite interesting project.
it is very interesting for me to observe the development of this project. The video is very well filmed and everything is clear. It is evident that the team is actively developing and cherishing its project. I will definitely join your generosity campaign.
I have just watched the video and the explanation is brief and concise. In short, it was nicely done. I am expecting that a lot of people will notice this project. I am guessing that the team is starting to spread the word about this project across different platforms available.

I completely recognized your point I think they created a great marketing strategy which is their video presentation about the project. I'm hoping for the future success of this venture!  

Can not doubt. The project is really interesting. They have a good program development strategy. I personally look forward to the beta version of the application, I'm interested in how it will work with all currencies around the world. As developers such could come up with.
I support You. Wanted really to become one of the participants beta-test and to look up for various moments of this platform. In particular the amount of possible places for payment, well, and of course speed of payments performing, in my opinion they should be practically instant.
Im sure being a beta tester for a certain platform is totally fun and rewarding however you must have a technical knowledge and IT background to be accepted.
Activity: 574
Merit: 10
This method of payment is very convenient. The question is, what services can I pay for? Stores online, replenishment of a bank card or mobile account, credit payment or others?
Naturally in the plans of the command to involve as it is possible places, where it is possible pay through their service, question whether they will agree in these establishments and companies to such payment. In any case for it is necessary time, indeed still many do not trust crypto-money.

We will provide and release to all parties for development and business use, so users can use this technology service everywhere in the future.

Not a bad idea with payments in institutions. After all, if suddenly you do not have enough fiat money, you can pay in addition to crypto. Very comfortably.
you mean that with the help of this platform we will be able to pay our bills with crypto currency? I have not seen such a statement from the developers, or am I mistaken?
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
Hi all,

We make a video for SuperPay's introduction so you can easily understand the purpose of the project.
Please refer to below Youtube link :

Thank you.
Thank you for the video which detailed describes the structure of work projects. All and so were clear, personally for me, but to video it is shown clearly and accurately. I will monitor and further for the news of this quite interesting project.
it is very interesting for me to observe the development of this project. The video is very well filmed and everything is clear. It is evident that the team is actively developing and cherishing its project. I will definitely join your generosity campaign.
I have just watched the video and the explanation is brief and concise. In short, it was nicely done. I am expecting that a lot of people will notice this project. I am guessing that the team is starting to spread the word about this project across different platforms available.

I completely recognized your point I think they created a great marketing strategy which is their video presentation about the project. I'm hoping for the future success of this venture!  

Can not doubt. The project is really interesting. They have a good program development strategy. I personally look forward to the beta version of the application, I'm interested in how it will work with all currencies around the world. As developers such could come up with.
I support You. Wanted really to become one of the participants beta-test and to look up for various moments of this platform. In particular the amount of possible places for payment, well, and of course speed of payments performing, in my opinion they should be practically instant.
Activity: 616
Merit: 10
SuperPay can become a great solution for the global payment problems which people face nowadays. The project aims to to make all the global payment more safe and secure using block chain technology. They have a great white paper which will attract great number of investors to the project.
Great. I think it will be more used than PayPal because PayPal has so many problems like withdrawal to your bank problems in which you have to wait for a long time.
Activity: 504
Merit: 20
Damm. Their twitter looks like basket for trash. Any usefull info here, no news or any info about team etc.

I hope they look for a trustworthy community manager who realy know how to promote a project though social media.

They need to find experienced admin that will handle their social medias. Because there are also lots of investors in social medias. I am sure many willbe attracted if they will improve it.

It is also an advantage if they have that kind of bounty manager because we know bounty hunters already know who are those good bounty campaign manger. Anyway, superpay seems common in the market and what they need is more promotions in order for the investors to be attracted.
It'll be hard for the platform to grow without a nice community manager. It's a really important part of a project and it does help a project to grow and attract quality investors.

Most projects don't bother with a community manager anyway, the few that do will try to hunt down the cheapest bounty manager that they can and get the job done
sr. member
Activity: 2296
Merit: 470
Telegram: @jperryC
SuperPay can become a great solution for the global payment problems which people face nowadays. The project aims to to make all the global payment more safe and secure using block chain technology. They have a great white paper which will attract great number of investors to the project.
Activity: 672
Merit: 11
This method of payment is very convenient. The question is, what services can I pay for? Stores online, replenishment of a bank card or mobile account, credit payment or others?
Naturally in the plans of the command to involve as it is possible places, where it is possible pay through their service, question whether they will agree in these establishments and companies to such payment. In any case for it is necessary time, indeed still many do not trust crypto-money.

We will provide and release to all parties for development and business use, so users can use this technology service everywhere in the future.

Not a bad idea with payments in institutions. After all, if suddenly you do not have enough fiat money, you can pay in addition to crypto. Very comfortably.
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
I see today, that admin start to interact with the community here, but the important question is still not answered. For potential investors it's very important to have the possibility to get in touch with team members. I hope they solve this problem as soon as possible in their website.
yes I agree certainly the investors need clarity about a project ap again they desperately need something that can easily get them connected with the team.
Activity: 294
Merit: 0
It is possible for the project and succeed to become the most popular mobile payment. But it takes a lot of work
With the kind of competition this project is facing it will be difficult to be at the same pace with the major payment platforms. Hopefully they have a better offer to clients
It would be great for developers if they brought something new to their project, which is not the case with similar ones. This would immediately distinguish them qualitatively

I agree about this. Many projects that are very similar with superpay with same platform and features. The team must better innovate something new and not the same idea with others. This will be really hard but i hope they will find a solution.
That is definitely right and I will agree with this too. There are so many project out here in the crypro currency community having been just like similar to each other. Competitors are everywhere and we all aware of that fact. I hope that the SuperPay will come up with something new and awesome agead and advanced from its competitors. I hope that this team working on SuperPay will find new interesting innovation and developments.
Activity: 196
Merit: 0
It is possible for the project and succeed to become the most popular mobile payment. But it takes a lot of work
With the kind of competition this project is facing it will be difficult to be at the same pace with the major payment platforms. Hopefully they have a better offer to clients
It would be great for developers if they brought something new to their project, which is not the case with similar ones. This would immediately distinguish them qualitatively

I agree about this. Many projects that are very similar with superpay with same platform and features. The team must better innovate something new and not the same idea with others. This will be really hard but i hope they will find a solution.
full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 114
I see today, that admin start to interact with the community here, but the important question is still not answered. For potential investors it's very important to have the possibility to get in touch with team members. I hope they solve this problem as soon as possible in their website.
Activity: 252
Merit: 0
I'm very surprised why the project collected only 11% of the funds. The idea is not new for the team, but very necessary, I hope users will appreciate the idea.
Activity: 154
Merit: 0
It is possible for the project and succeed to become the most popular mobile payment. But it takes a lot of work
With the kind of competition this project is facing it will be difficult to be at the same pace with the major payment platforms. Hopefully they have a better offer to clients
It would be great for developers if they brought something new to their project, which is not the case with similar ones. This would immediately distinguish them qualitatively
Activity: 182
Merit: 10
It is possible for the project and succeed to become the most popular mobile payment. But it takes a lot of work
With the kind of competition this project is facing it will be difficult to be at the same pace with the major payment platforms. Hopefully they have a better offer to clients
jr. member
Activity: 182
Merit: 3
It is possible for the project and succeed to become the most popular mobile payment. But it takes a lot of work
Activity: 238
Merit: 0
Damm. Their twitter looks like basket for trash. Any usefull info here, no news or any info about team etc.

I hope they look for a trustworthy community manager who realy know how to promote a project though social media.

If devs are too busy with the developments and can't handle their social media accounts they need to hire professional community manager that will handle and answers all queries.

busy with the developments make sense, when you start ICO you should focus on marketing and communication with investors or wait until you complete your product then launch ICO with ready product.
Maybe they are prioritizing their work. Just give them some time to improve on small things. A new ico definitely has a lot going on.
sr. member
Activity: 1162
Merit: 268
50% bonus on your First Topup
Damm. Their twitter looks like basket for trash. Any usefull info here, no news or any info about team etc.

I hope they look for a trustworthy community manager who realy know how to promote a project though social media.

They need to find experienced admin that will handle their social medias. Because there are also lots of investors in social medias. I am sure many willbe attracted if they will improve it.

It is also an advantage if they have that kind of bounty manager because we know bounty hunters already know who are those good bounty campaign manger. Anyway, superpay seems common in the market and what they need is more promotions in order for the investors to be attracted.
It'll be hard for the platform to grow without a nice community manager. It's a really important part of a project and it does help a project to grow and attract quality investors.

Yeah, hopefully they take some actions about this project. Well, as I'm impressed to their platform as they will able to have mobile payment technologies to the public all over the world, and is an open mobile payment technology. Hope for some development on this project.

As for their twitter, They will need to launch a bounty campaign for social media to attract more people to follow and also to gain traffic and impression to their site. Positively thinking investors are in the social media.
Activity: 252
Merit: 0
Damm. Their twitter looks like basket for trash. Any usefull info here, no news or any info about team etc.

I hope they look for a trustworthy community manager who realy know how to promote a project though social media.

They need to find experienced admin that will handle their social medias. Because there are also lots of investors in social medias. I am sure many willbe attracted if they will improve it.

It is also an advantage if they have that kind of bounty manager because we know bounty hunters already know who are those good bounty campaign manger. Anyway, superpay seems common in the market and what they need is more promotions in order for the investors to be attracted.
It'll be hard for the platform to grow without a nice community manager. It's a really important part of a project and it does help a project to grow and attract quality investors.

Yeah, hopefully they take some actions about this project. Well, as I'm impressed to their platform as they will able to have mobile payment technologies to the public all over the world, and is an open mobile payment technology. Hope for some development on this project.
full member
Activity: 560
Merit: 126
Damm. Their twitter looks like basket for trash. Any usefull info here, no news or any info about team etc.

I hope they look for a trustworthy community manager who realy know how to promote a project though social media.

If devs are too busy with the developments and can't handle their social media accounts they need to hire professional community manager that will handle and answers all queries.

busy with the developments make sense, when you start ICO you should focus on marketing and communication with investors or wait until you complete your product then launch ICO with ready product.
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
Damm. Their twitter looks like basket for trash. Any usefull info here, no news or any info about team etc.

I hope they look for a trustworthy community manager who realy know how to promote a project though social media.

They need to find experienced admin that will handle their social medias. Because there are also lots of investors in social medias. I am sure many willbe attracted if they will improve it.

It is also an advantage if they have that kind of bounty manager because we know bounty hunters already know who are those good bounty campaign manger. Anyway, superpay seems common in the market and what they need is more promotions in order for the investors to be attracted.
It'll be hard for the platform to grow without a nice community manager. It's a really important part of a project and it does help a project to grow and attract quality investors.
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