Will CAR coin be transferable and exchangeable? If yes, are you going to control its price somehow? For example, by buying back tokens from the market or the option to resell via a dashboard at a fixed price.
PT.Frasindo Lima Mandiri will be adopting limited time of OPEN and CLOSE QUOTA system, the sales periods are every 2 months or 60 days with countdown timer, and it will stay open for 6 days only, also for limited a QUOTA of 30 cars or approximately 4,500,000 FRAS COINS from RESERVE POOLS. This to protect the value of FRAS COIN in coin exchanges, and also to protect the Management ability to handle the purchasing and ability to screening drivers. With current OPEN and CLOSE QUOTA system, the sales periods and the company growth can be maintained stable for duration of finishing total FRAS COINS in RESERVE POOLS, which is approximately around 3 years, and then the direct sales period will be fully closed for public.
Thank you, but i ask about CAR coin not FRAS coin. I also know this:
Car coin is the other benefit of Fras Coin. Car coin is given in the form of token or voucher that a fras coin holder can redeem it to be a free car usage and any other vacation benefits such as free tour guide, free room, and free drive to an airport.
and that's why I was asking because I'm afraid of the price of CARCOIN
CAR COIN value is limited and controled by whoever got the most frascoin
to produce carcoin is not so easy
supporters must have minimum 20,000FRAS to participate, and for each 10,000FRAS only generate 1 CARCOIN every day
meaning, not many people could produce it.. and it will limiting the abuse
we've been discussing some options at whitepaper, and this is the best way, until the VOTE may decide otherwise
if there is to many CAR COIN then there could be someone buying cheap and abusing cars for months, and to prevent that, we could raise the service rates that redeemable by carcoin