Hi Gatra & Co.
I'm excited to be back to work on our stratum mining pool. At first glance everything appeared to be working. However after running for a while longer I noticed in increasingly terrible rate of invalid shares. Restarting the miner seems to do the trick but of course we don't want to require such frequent restarts!
We're running gatra's fast stratum miner and stratum pool. In some early runs we had vardiff enabled and saw the server re-target client difficulty. The xptminer didn't seem happy about that so we disabled it and still have poor performance. Is anyone else using the new stratum xptminer and open source stratum miner?
nonce-pool, do you all see any similar problems?
Note the miner runtime in the brackets below. Computer C is much faster but it also degrades to a terrible rejection ratio
Computer A:
[00:46:32] 2ch/s: 12.1941 3ch/s: 0.9448 4ch/s: 0.0308 Shares total: 21 / 5
received: mining.notify
[00:46:40] 2ch/s: 12.1856 3ch/s: 0.9465 4ch/s: 0.0307 Shares total: 21 / 5
[00:46:48] 2ch/s: 12.1874 3ch/s: 0.9452 4ch/s: 0.0306 Shares total: 21 / 5
[00:46:56] 2ch/s: 12.1876 3ch/s: 0.9455 4ch/s: 0.0305 Shares total: 21 / 5
Computer B:
[00:45:20] 2ch/s: 12.1675 3ch/s: 0.8629 4ch/s: 0.0271 Shares total: 18 / 3
[00:45:28] 2ch/s: 12.1754 3ch/s: 0.8663 4ch/s: 0.0270 Shares total: 18 / 3
[00:45:33] Share found! (Blockheight: 15)
tx: {"method": "mining.submit", "params": ["b.one", "8ba", "15000000", "0000000053f2cd60", "654d12b0c3ec33be9be7d586462ac7e0a40ea2d110be093da64173d7b13ca84d"], "id":4}
[00:45:36] 2ch/s: 12.1802 3ch/s: 0.8668 4ch/s: 0.0284 Shares total: 19 / 4
[00:45:39] Share found! (Blockheight: 15)
tx: {"method": "mining.submit", "params": ["b.one", "8ba", "15000000", "0000000053f2cd60", "6a0db44f4e7888fa3ef6ba78c0ba04d17e60b7982377267deda06b3eabbe874d"], "id":4}
received: mining.notify
[00:45:44] 2ch/s: 12.1686 3ch/s: 0.8673 4ch/s: 0.0299 Shares total: 20 / 5
[00:45:52] 2ch/s: 12.1466 3ch/s: 0.8662 4ch/s: 0.0298 Shares total: 20 / 5
[00:45:54] Share found! (Blockheight: 16)
tx: {"method": "mining.submit", "params": ["b.one", "8fa", "16000000", "0000000053f2ce0a", "02759f194c5edddb0f2a91bd65ec181b77c00283d956384bf03732404d6a36c9"], "id":4}
[00:46:00] 2ch/s: 12.1351 3ch/s: 0.8667 4ch/s: 0.0312 Shares total: 21 / 6
[00:46:08] 2ch/s: 12.1163 3ch/s: 0.8642 4ch/s: 0.0311 Shares total: 21 / 6
[00:46:16] 2ch/s: 12.1154 3ch/s: 0.8676 4ch/s: 0.0310 Shares total: 21 / 6
[00:46:24] 2ch/s: 12.1203 3ch/s: 0.8725 4ch/s: 0.0309 Shares total: 21 / 6
[00:46:32] 2ch/s: 12.1340 3ch/s: 0.8744 4ch/s: 0.0308 Shares total: 21 / 6
[00:46:40] 2ch/s: 12.1403 3ch/s: 0.8733 4ch/s: 0.0307 Shares total: 21 / 6
received: mining.notify
Computer C:
[00:40:56] 2ch/s: 37.6112 3ch/s: 2.8402 4ch/s: 0.1151 Shares total: 69 / 51
[00:41:04] 2ch/s: 37.5921 3ch/s: 2.8343 4ch/s: 0.1147 Shares total: 69 / 51
[00:41:12] 2ch/s: 37.5682 3ch/s: 2.8268 4ch/s: 0.1143 Shares total: 69 / 51
received: mining.notify
[00:41:20] 2ch/s: 37.5527 3ch/s: 2.8276 4ch/s: 0.1140 Shares total: 69 / 51
[00:41:28] 2ch/s: 37.5258 3ch/s: 2.8283 4ch/s: 0.1136 Shares total: 69 / 51
[00:41:35] Share found! (Blockheight: 19)
tx: {"method": "mining.submit", "params": ["Ool6aerah5.one", "60b", "25000000", "0000000053f2db4b", "40994f8c739274888945a5d7728f1101eac6d080d22ee3d14c623e2a82ac588f"], "id":4}
Invalid share
[00:41:36] 2ch/s: 37.4843 3ch/s: 2.8242 4ch/s: 0.1149 Shares total: 70 / 51
[00:41:44] 2ch/s: 37.5052 3ch/s: 2.8250 4ch/s: 0.1145 Shares total: 70 / 51
[00:41:45] Share found! (Blockheight: 19)
tx: {"method": "mining.submit", "params": ["Ool6aerah5.one", "60b", "25000000", "0000000053f2db4b", "5250660e7aa42595a681dff8e3c9fa87b875043e7b1ff46858f6246a5a3f33cb"], "id":4}
Invalid share
[00:41:52] 2ch/s: 37.4934 3ch/s: 2.8225 4ch/s: 0.1158 Shares total: 71 / 51
Computer C after restarting miner:
[00:10:27] Share found! (Blockheight: 6)
tx: {"method": "mining.submit", "params": ["a.one", "8ee", "0e000000", "0000000053f2ce72", "5490ac02eb626962cd6d8c6173816769d69b9c9a6602f3122d64e7236b2cd5b9"], "id":4}
[00:10:32] 2ch/s: 37.9334 3ch/s: 2.7415 4ch/s: 0.1296 Shares total: 20 / 20
[00:10:40] 2ch/s: 38.0608 3ch/s: 2.7392 4ch/s: 0.1280 Shares total: 20 / 20
[00:10:48] 2ch/s: 38.1029 3ch/s: 2.7243 4ch/s: 0.1264 Shares total: 20 / 20
[00:10:56] 2ch/s: 38.0129 3ch/s: 2.7411 4ch/s: 0.1249 Shares total: 20 / 20
received: mining.notify
Computer C further into the same run started above:
[00:45:32] Share found! (Blockheight: 21)
tx: {"method": "mining.submit", "params": ["a.one", "611", "28000000", "0000000053f2dc30", "687be8b3c596aadb51b0b866a79a3ea7d022f10cdb4d35b8c5c08bf0744ca74f"], "id":4}
Invalid share
[00:45:36] 2ch/s: 37.5751 3ch/s: 2.8699 4ch/s: 0.1153 Shares total: 77 / 56
[00:45:40] Share found! (Blockheight: 21)
tx: {"method": "mining.submit", "params": ["a.one", "611", "28000000", "0000000053f2dc30", "7bd4375e9321541439392b8cf22f9bb8823e8c6943b67e88c741061dd0b890cd"], "id":4}
Invalid share
received: mining.notify
[00:45:44] 2ch/s: 37.6059 3ch/s: 2.8824 4ch/s: 0.1164 Shares total: 78 / 56
[00:45:52] 2ch/s: 37.5829 3ch/s: 2.8785 4ch/s: 0.1161 Shares total: 78 / 56
[00:46:00] 2ch/s: 37.5689 3ch/s: 2.8806 4ch/s: 0.1158 Shares total: 78 / 56
[00:46:08] 2ch/s: 37.5906 3ch/s: 2.8811 4ch/s: 0.1154 Shares total: 78 / 56
[00:46:16] 2ch/s: 37.6268 3ch/s: 2.8861 4ch/s: 0.1151 Shares total: 78 / 56
[00:46:24] 2ch/s: 37.6467 3ch/s: 2.8910 4ch/s: 0.1148 Shares total: 78 / 56
[00:46:32] 2ch/s: 37.6723 3ch/s: 2.8930 4ch/s: 0.1144 Shares total: 78 / 56
[00:46:40] 2ch/s: 37.7344 3ch/s: 2.8979 4ch/s: 0.1141 Shares total: 78 / 56
received: mining.notify
[00:46:42] Share found! (Blockheight: 22)
tx: {"method": "mining.submit", "params": ["a.one", "614", "29000000", "0000000053f2dc6f", "7f0790268612825a2619f8758c3b1b0d3738e9d1bef9005e10292a94f7ce4dd5"], "id":4}
[00:46:48] 2ch/s: 37.7596 3ch/s: 2.9043 4ch/s: 0.1152 Shares total: 79 / 57