mintxfee - the minimum transaction fee in RIC/kB
minrelaytxfee - the minimum transaction fee for a node to relay the transaction in RIC/kB
blockmintxfee - minimum fee for a transaction to be included in blocks created by mining code, in RIC/kB
The defaults are all 0.00001000 RIC/kB. The smallest value is .00000001.
-mintxfee=.00000001 -minrelaytxfee=.00000001 -blockmintxfee=.00000001 will allow transactions of 1 satoshi (or gatra). I have tested this on testnet.
This way we allow users, nodes, and miners to determine what rates should be instead of fixing it in code and we stay consistent with bitcoin.
I could see possibly lowering the defaults.
Sounds good. I am not against fees when they are such low, and letting everyone decide for the minimum fee is a good solution. Finally, users will probably not even care to pay a few riemanns instead of 0. I think that we can let the default settings as is (but it is really equal to me).
The spamming prevention is a good point, though, but in this case, we would need to increase significantly the minimum fee, else it would still be easy to bloat the blockchain. It seems better to not penalize everyone and hope that no such attack occur before it becomes unpractical to make (if the fees somehow become in practice high enough to make such attacks unpractical, either by a price increase or by people setting higher fees).
What work is remaining before a "ready for productions use" 0.16.3, according to you? Are we almost done, or there is still much work to do?
Would the remaining work be more in the actual code, or more in the new version adoption and softforks/BIPs activation?