network is first priority. If you don't have one you don't have a coin.
If your network is not diverse you can not tell people you have a (fully) decentralized (and secure) currency because it would be a lie.
Prediction: now a round of some fud for everybody with some selling of course and then we see price threefold in a few hours after the third pool came on and nobody has more than that 50% of the network. Is also best scenario.
i hope it makes some sense
Yeah, if this coin gets even two more pools the price will skyrocket.
I think I read a few posts about these prices right now being criminally low . . but right now this coin is a highly centralized currency minted by one group of people. It's funny to watch the main page advertising as decentralized and know they're full of it because of that.
This coin is partially-decentralized right now, but unless at least 2-3 more pools pop up to make it decentralized it will just continue to be bullied down on the markets until it's worth even less than a few days ago.
The coin's just spinning it's wheels with one pool. . .sinking deeper and deeper.
I made the video so since you're saying I'm full of shit I'll respond to that. The mentions of 'decentralization' are in regards to the coin design and code, not the current state of the community. I could have made a video that made the claim "fully decentralized once more pools are added", but that would soon need to be edited. . .Unless I had no expectation that more pools would ever be created, in which case why would I bother making a promotional video?
I also got a donation of 250RIC for creating the video, there was a post for 500RIC for a block explorer, I think there are bounties for pools too. There are discussion of how to get more pools going and such here: