scanrate = pow( diff * ln(2), 6 ) * 0.05780811 / 150
Where diff is the difficulty as shown in "getwork", currently 776
so scanrate is 9.3 TeraNumbers per second
Divide that by your total knumbers (careful with units: T vs K) per second and you get how many systems like yours would comprise the total network.
I guess 40000 i5 with 4 cores @ 2.6MHz each, or 160000 cores?
Please check the math and correct me if I'm wrong.
This is the reverse of what is calculated in riecoin_time_to_block() in scanriecoin.c in the cpuminer.
Have in mind that scanrate SHOULD ALWAYS BE COMPARED AT THE SAME DIFFICULTY. Since the scanrate decreases as difficulty increases. So it's ok for relative measurements of common difficulty, but has to be normalized if you want to compare at different prime sizes (difficulties).
If in the future we go from 9 to, say, 5 it doesn't mean the network grew or shrinked, it means nothing if values are not normalized for difficulty. Theoretical normalization for difficulty is possible but hard and would introduce errors. The easy way to do it is to actually measure in practice, relative to your PC. Like I did: currently it's about 160K cores and that's the value that's comparable in time.
That's a pretty insane number. How does it account for those who have modded the miner with significant performance increases? My guess is that there are a select few out there with significantly optimized miners that are mining the lions share of blocks and skewing these figures