According to countdown there are five days and 22 hours approximately to have this announced fully accessible. is keep building while other are distracted by non serious and temporary events taking places in the markets. The number of people those are following real projects like this one is little at this stage but will be much more in future.
What they are building can you share? Do you even know what is the status of the product nowadays?
How many dapps are running at RLC at the moment?
What is the total hashrate of the network?
How many clients are there?
How many suppliers?
Lol , putting one countdown and the sheeple get excited
It's official: We're partnering with Cisco Systems and reopening the ICO
By now you've probably heard the leaks. We wanted to delay the announcement until Wednesday, but the secrets could not be contained. They're true. We're partnering with Cisco Systems, ranked number 62 in the Fortune 500 list of corporations. Due to the massive increase in value proposition this brings to the RLC token, we are also temporarily reopening the ICO and distributing the remaining reserve fund back to private investors. If you're receiving this email, that's you.
The remaining 7,000,000 RLC tokens are to be distributed at the original pre-ICO price
1 ETH = 1000 RLC | 0.001 ETH = 1 RLC | 1 RLC = $0.17
We know that's almost half the current market price ($0.33), and yes, we could simply sell the remaining RLC on major exchanges. However, we want to push this value back to you, the iExec early adopters. At iExec, we believe pioneers of new technologies should be rewarded.
To claim your share of the remaining RLC,
please send ETH to:
Gas limit: 180,000
Minimum Contribution: 0.2 ETH
Maximum Contribution: 2,000 ETH
Please act quickly
If you want to receive your share of the RLC fund, please act quickly, you may remember the original ICO sold out in under 3 hours! Once you have purchased RLC, they can be sold on most major exchanges (Binance, Bittrex, Liqui etc.)
An official announcement regarding the partnership will follow tomorrow, we figured investors and community members deserved to hear the news first!
Thanks for your continued support,
The iExec Team.
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