Technology is evolving at record speeds and we have to evolve alongside it! Robotina's goal is to establish a connected community that enable its participants to save a great deal on energy costs. ⚡️
Better be safe than sorry! Robotina is the only project to offer both hardware and software services, a community-based data exchange, energy crowdfunding and fault detections!
You got it right, hardware and software all done by us! Similar like Bitmain does Antminer the Robotina does HEMS and other products and services.
Our ICO page: talks about IoT platform and HEMS (Home Energy Management System). The platform is empowered by AI (Artificial Intelligence) which program the consumption of electricity in households through IoT (Internet of Things) device HEMS for energy management. There is two way communication between HEMS and platform. However, visually this two way communication between platform and household looks like that:
We adding also blockchain on platform markeplace to increase transparency and collaboration among platform stakeholders. Some services will be smart contract based and eventually the platform will open for programmers to submit their own smart contracts and enable new business transactions among stakeholders.
More about our existing solutions you can find on our corporate website where among other things you can read also more about HEMS -