The number of Shareholders qualified, by using the given signature, is 333.
You could be qualified for the second round ONLY if you registered in the first round, and you had the signature when you registered. We have to emphasize this because we got many registrations now for second round. Unfortunately we can't accept these. There will be a chance to buy Reserve Share ASAP, when it hits an exchange.
Have good hope in coin hope dev deliver everything on time cheers !
@Dev i am in round 2 or not ??
Yes you are.
The only way to get qualified for the second round was, to have the given signature when you registered. If you doesn't had the Signature when you registered then you are not qualified for the second round.
Unfortunately you've send your registration request to late, and we can't accept your registration.
Also you can gain Reserve Share by our Twitter promotion and by the Logo Contest.
It's nice to see that many people is following us on Twitter and many of them participates in the Twitter contest. In order to be qualified to win +1 Share you have to retweet @reserveshare first tweet, and make a tweet wich contains @reserveshare, your username and a few constructive words.
Also the Logo Contest is running. The winner will get +1 Share. In the past few hours we've got a few very nice logos. Personally i like the discrete and solid outlook and it doesn't must be like a regular round coin logo. The winner will be chosen by random and we'll announce in few days.