Dev Last Active: July 30, 2014, 05:44:00 AM
abdoned scam.
Sorry, last active less than 10 minutes ago on both twitter and IRC.
We do not keep a close eye on this thread since currently we do not have any hype updates to release.
Wow, no posts in 2 months and this is how you respond?
Sorry bagholders.
See my signature. This isn't the center of the crypto universe.
I'm always surprised at the lack of logic in crypto sometimes.
Here is a spot where 90% of those involved in crypto get their news/updates on the coins they hold and it is avoided by a few teams because it's below them or they don't have time or really whatever excuse.
Please define 'logic' in your universe so that I can reassess my reply.
(hint, you just implied this is the center if 90% were remotely close)