keep it as kimdotcoin
It looks to be making some gains lately, today somone purchased the whole side of sell orders at Cryptex
Sa_ddam, glad you are back and taking it in strides. Sorry to hear about your losses.
Hopefully you are one of the 3 nodes I'm seeing on the wallet.
I know KIM blew hot air but if you leave the name we would could become the first successful dis coin AND imagine if it becomes the new crypto of NZ and he didn't have any of it!
I'll keep on thinking about names for 500K DOT
I would love to decentralize AIRBNB with Belocoin and a sister website for searching.
Well the other problem with the current name is that 60% of New Zealand hate him, so its making it hard to promote.
And there is nothing stopping a rename from making the coin successful, there is no premine and there are enough coins out there for fast distribution once the big promotions start.
we are sinking a tonne of time and money into this, we have a huge vision for this currency, and to me if we want this to be used for everyday items the current name will not work.
so the name needs to be simple, catchy and basically just awesome, and since I'm just a programming nerd I'm not the best guy to come up with a name, LOL
After hearing about how he handled you, I started wondering if he is actually a cold war relic sent to shit on a burgeoning free world like the Barron Harkonnen.
I can see why Kiwis don't like him. I was in NZ once as a student and he is the antithesis of health and conservation.
AND I will forever be grateful he led me to DOT because at the time I thought KIM was uber cool and represented the power of the bounty in the digital realm.
He now inspires the alliteration "deutschbag"
No dis to DOT's German mining arm, Ratohe the great!
here in Germany Kim is known as a part of the huge internetbubble wich collapsed. He raised 2 or 3 companies wich were only written papers with ideas of others and brought them into stock-exchange. He ripped all his investors and with this money he builded his mega-imperium. I think this was the main reason for him to move to NZ and change his name to Dotcom.
Back then when I started to get interested in coins one of the first threads I visited was this here. I was not attracted by the name but I thought, if you start mining, this one is as good as the others, give it a try. Now I know, this was a good decision.
And DOT is in fact a really good name for a coin. It' short and catchy and it's a synonym for the Internet.
But it has to get rid of this ugly face in the logo. Tomorrow I've off time for a few days, relaxing with some friends and maybe I get back with a good idea for a new logo.