Hello SegwitX Team,
congrats.. I have been watching, texting you on telegram as well.from past 36hours,i have been 100% all my time is spent on this process watching,observing, setting up miners etc.
Few things you guys need to Focus on
1.As Early as possible bring up a light weight version of B2X wallet. Bcz downloading 160GB of data is insane.and most people dont go for it.some though they wish to go for it, HDD space, internet speed restricts it. other wallets like freewallets/ZUUminner etc no solutions yet..
2.Bring up the Block explorer links,to check live hash Network rate, transactions search etc..
3.Bring some quick way of calculating yeild/GH with present Network hashrates,so people may start looking at figures and more miners gets added. now due to lot of unconfirmed payments or lots of Blanks between these things, some miners whom have connected their miners to B2X starting to move away to other coins..
Hope Some Day B2X will rock some day..
if i am not wrong, Just bcz of Miningpool.shop guy we were atleast able to start mining B2X in right time,with out his help most of miners dont have wallets Id at all. I am very thanks full to them..and most miners ,even Segwit2x team also should thank him i guess..as of now,only their pool is giving 90% of the Net hashrate of B2X.
with regards
Dr.N.Chandra sekhar,M.tech,Phd
Thank you very much for your feedback.