so general03 pay out 02/01 twice. This is due to the server update. Sorry
I don't see the second payout you're referring to.
btw. is there a webpage where you announce pool related info?
there was a post on the pools...
I made an inspection about pools and making a post about them:
Signing up mandatory pools:Currently, only pool asks for signing up is the
Animal pool. Voters share the all pool income. are taking %25 for a fee.
Anonymous pools:General 01-02-03-04 they are all individual pools and the fee they are taking %20 (%18 for themselves %2 donate to the developer of the pool manager.)
Semuxpool_com and
Semuxpool_com2 are taking %20
Mddsemuxpool -
Mddsemuxpool2 are taking %20
Semux_pool_party are taking %8
100_tokenpar_com is currently only giving %0.5 to semux dev and share the rest of it.
Pool_borderline is taking %0.5 fee for a short time after 2-3 days later it will be %6
lvl3pool is taking %6
Tent is taking %5
Pools unknown:
cn_pool i think it is Chinese and requirements are unknown.
There is not any information about.
I think even with the 1000 delegator fee, above %15 is too much and I'm not voting for them. Probably they will take lower fees when they get 1000 back but still, it is high.
When voting put this %'s into consideration.
If a pool has 30.000 votes but takes %25 as a fee means it has 40.000 votes. So even 39.000 votes pool with %0 fees would be better.
Ps: If anyone has some information about cn_pool and lvl3pool please let me know and I can edit the post. I tried to find out their fee from the share they give out but couldn't be sure.