Could you help me with a couple of questions please.
With the decentralized market, will it be possible to pay for goods using Silk or will it be DarkSilk only?
With Silk being accepted as payment for Weaver services, how will the USD to Silk rate be determined? Will it simply be based on the current Silk/BTC rate on exchanges?
From my understanding the market place will be DarkSilk only. The USD to Silk rate will be determined based on the current Silk/BTC rate on exchanges. But these are not really your questions i think. The main theme underlying you questions is why consider Silk, will it be worth the risk of an investment. To this i would say yes! Whatever happens to Silk you can be sure that it won't be just an apendix. Have trust in the developers, have trust in the weaver, have trust in both of the complementary coins.
Thanks. You're right in a way, but it's not that I'm considering investing. I had some originally and invested in more when Spencer first began posting as SCDeveloper and was saying things like:
DarkSilk is an entirely new coin with the opportunity for Silkcoin investors to buy in below the market price upon launch and continuously throughout its existence.
However, if the USD to Silk rate is determined by the rate on exchanges then Silk investors pay the exact same as everyone else. That's fine, it's obviously their prerogative to go back on that, but it almost feels like a cruel joke that the Silkcoin thread's been used as a de factor prelaunch thread when practically all of the development work and exciting new features are going into DarkSilk.
My point is, aside from at least giving us a functional chain by cloning BLK, nothing being proposed gives anyone an incentive to invest in Silk itself, nor gives it any more value. If you get the same rates for Weaver services with BTC as Silk, why bother with Silk? It feels a bit like this has just been glossed over. Is Silk only being included as a token gesture or in order to fulfill some past commitment? Or is it as Orestes believes, after you've finished with all those exciting new features for DarkSilk and DarkSilk's tesing and DarkSilk's launch will Silk be further developed?
My last commit to Silk was three days ago. Watch-Only, MultiSig Addresses, CheckLockTimeVerify and more. The new Silk is not just a send and receive coin.
But obviously it is hidden snuggly away in a sand dune where no prying eyes can fork it
Silk, DarkSilk and Weaver are integral to each other. The system itself is almost like a feedback loop, self perpetuating. A lot of thought has gone into this.
On top of that and the foundation of code we will be begin with, the growth, development, direction and improvements to Silk and DarkSilk will be continual.
There is also no reason why we cannot sell DarkSilk at a better rate for SILK than for BTC in the crowdsale.
My personal feeling towards Silkcoin is that it needs an honest and public team behind it, with the same direction and purpose in their work. It has had a dubious past and it is time to clean that up. Since MintPal, the original developers, The Silk Road Marketplace and Ross Ulbrichts imprisonment, the name Silkcoin has been linked synonymously with illegal operations, scams, dumps, mistrust and misdirection.
Those times are over.