The CompassOnce it came to see me a very afflicted man, he was married for 10 years with his precious wife and had
childrens but he was receiving a very bad relationship coming from his wife, she was all the day screaming
to him and they were fighting at least once a day. Then this man meet another woman, this was his dream
woman, she had all the qualities he always wanted, all the qualities missing on his wife, she was lovely with him
all the day and she was always there when he need her.
This man then came to me and asked what should he do to solve this situation, he told me his wife was only
giving him head aches all the day but as he was a good man and he still was loving her, he was disposed
to endure this situation even if it meant to remain unhappy for all his life, when he came to me he
had stopped seeing the new woman he meet.
They already have consulted tens of doctors, psychologists and experts in marital relationships but they were
still unable to find a solution.
Then my advice was the following:
- All the problems with your wife were caused by you, because you have your Compass unfocused, use the new girl you meet as a symbol to hold all the day, every time you walk imagine this girl is with you, if your wife screams you or she starts complaining imagine this girl is right to you to support you and making feel you better.
He thought I wanted him to cheat her and he was upset but he was not meeting this new girl anymore
and as he was a good student he did what i told him.
He started to imagine this lovely girl right to him all the day, if he was fighting with his wife at the end
there was this girl consoling him and telling to not worry, on his work he imagined this girl too all the day caring of what he may need.
One night he had a fight so big with his wife that he ended with rage and feeling very impotence,
they both went to bed and right after it he started to imagine this new girl was on the opposite side
of the bed from wife making him to forget all the bad day and fights with his wife.
The next day his wife received him with a big hug and told him she had made a fabulous dinner
for the best husband on the world, he could not believe what he was hearing, then she told him to
go bed and she did him things that not even a professional could do.
The miracle was manifested and his wife starting acting like when she was his girlfriend, a problem that
no one of all the experts they have consulted could solve, he realized all this bad life was caused only by keeping his Compass unfocused continously.