Hello Team
We received accusations that your team is FAKE, made up in photoshop.
Also there are accusations this is a PONZI scheme, where it is points to your white paper, section 5.11 -HARDWARE ANNUAL ROI CALCULATION up
851%Also on this Telegram channel
https://t.me/togacoinAnnounced2018 we noticed that are many people complaining about your ICO, calling your cheaters!.
SO, first explain some photos of your team members, which some of them were clearly manipulated on photoshop, using other people's face.
We want you to upload new images of your team with high resolution, taken recently within the last 5 days. No fake background, or black white is accepted.
We will give you 12 hours to explain before we escalte this to a SCAM.
In case you dont reply within 12 hours or in case this message is deleted, we will upload these pictures to our website and to all other media sources on the internet and accuse you of a scam until you provide valid evidence of your entire team.
https://togacoin.com/https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/anntga-togacoin-the-new-generation-of-mining-operations-4432984Mario Petricione / Mehmet Auf
http://www.tsa.org.tr/en/kisi/kisigoster/25638/mehmet-aufhttps://1000kitap.com/Yazar/Mehmet-Aufhttps://www.yandex.com/images/search?text=&rpt=imageview&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.1000kitap.com%2Fresimler%2Fyazarlar%2FMehmet-Auf_7221_1396981315.jpghttp://www.spac.com.tr/_konferanslar/lss7/index.html Cristian Valbonesi - Alex Vieira – sstockmarket live
https://youtu.be/w8kdP-bChrEhttp://www.watchframebyframe.com/watch/yt/w8kdP-bChrEhttps://youtu.be/w8kdP-bChrEhttps://www.pinterest.com/pin/298996862751979564/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeU0TqTg8XA Slavomira Jabaggiova - Olesya Mikhailova
https://my.mail.ru/mail/olesenkov/https://my.mail.ru/mail/olesenkov/photo/_myphoto/30.html?ps=1https://my.mail.ru/mail/olesenkov/Luca Pipp - Teemu Torvelainen
https://www.xing.com/profile/Teemu_Torvelainen/cv?sc_o=pr2281_pfl_lo_similar_profilesHi ICOEthics,
we can grant our Team is not fake:
- you can check our real identity on linkedin using our official links on th the website
- we are properly registered on our company house where all members did a regular KYC, if you have some doubts feel free to contact them
https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/companies-houseThis is our company:
https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/11318660- we are verified on icoholder.com
https://icoholder.com/en/togacoin-22306- our ROI calculation is done using public tools you can easily use, finding informations on our whitepaper.
Now, let's talk about the infos you published:
- it is clearly visible that people on the pictures are not the same people and your research has been made using an approssimative face tracker program
- you wrote wrong all the names : Luca Puppi , and not "Luca Pipp", Slavomira Jobbagyoca and not "Slavomira Jabbaggiova", Mario Petriccione and not "Mario petricione"
- Looking at your "Jr. Member" rate and your past activities
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;threads;u=2204241;sa=showPosts we clearly think you are not trusted
- All our actions and our community trust can be clearly verified on our official channels:
https://togacoin.com/TEC details:
https://togacoin.com/#detailRevenue calculator:
https://togacoin.com/#calculatorTEC phases:
https://togacoin.com/#phasesTEC payouts:
Telegram Official ENG:
https://t.me/togacoinofficialENGTelegram Official ITA:
https://t.me/togacoinofficialITATelegram Official RU:
https://t.me/togacoinofficialRUTelegram Official ESP:
https://t.me/togacoinofficialESPTelegram Official FR:
https://t.me/togacoinofficialFRBitcointalk Official ENG:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/anntga-togacoin-the-new-generation-of-mining-operations-4432984Bitcointalk Official ITA:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/anntga-togacoin-la-nuova-generazione-del-mining-4598275Bitcointalk Official RU:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/anntga-togacoin-1081-4458786Bitcointalk Official ESP:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/anntga-togacoin-la-nueva-generacion-de-operaciones-de-mineria-4564240Bitcointalk Official FR:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/anntga-togacoin-lexploitation-miniere-de-nouvelle-generation-4552925Bitcointalk Bounty Thread:
https://www.linkedin.com/company/togacoin-ltd/FOR THIS REASON:
- We are going to report you to a moderator
- We want to know your real name and identity to begin a legal action against you
- We officially ask to our community to be suspicious of your links, that can be corrupted, malawares or expose to risks.
Togacoin Team