The current XYO exchanges price is $0,002327.
On the XYO site the price is 1 ETH for 6290 XYO, it means, that 1 XYO costs at the moment about $0,0047, or 2 times more expensive, as the exchanges price. However, they write "When you purchase XYO from this website, you are added to the XYO Founding Holder Registry (FHR). The FHR is the historical ledger of those who have purchased XYO directly from us either during Main Token Sale or the current GAMMA Stage Sale, which is still available on this website. This means that those who purchase(d) their XYO through a decentralized exchange like IDEX, ARE NOTadded to the FHR."
Can please somebody explain me, where it is better to buy these tokens? Thanks!
Hi there!
By the way, I don't understand your complaints... you have the best opportunity to buy XYO so cheap and you dissatisfied yet? I'll try to explain. THere are two ways for you:
1. You are buying XYO via the official site and then will enjoy yummy bonuses
2. You can buy on the exchange if you are the trader and your goal is to make a short profit
I think XYO is one of the best projects nowadays, these guys bringing future to us right now
Best wishes and high profits!