The rewards will be based on file size. We may implement something like this down the line, however.
When it comes to storage, will your architecture function similarly to that of Storj?
Not exactly. Storj splits up files and stores them on a bunch of different hosts, allowing hosts to earn coins for renting out their storage space. With Upfiring, the files will be stored on the seeders devices, so your files aren't being distributed to the a bunch of different peers in the network - only downloaders.
But if the files are stored on the seeders devices, what happens if the seeders devices crash? Are the files still accessible? Storj is strong because it has a high tolerance of node failures as files a stored in a decentralized way with some overlap. With your system, are files stored only on a single seeder's device?
Have you used P2P before? It's on as many devices as people who have downloaded it. So an unhealthy torrent doesn't have many seeders, and it is possible to lose stuff.
But if it's in high enough demand, it will quickly gain seeders.
Especially on this system, which literally pays you money to seed high demand torrents.
Good point. It kinda takes advantage of the whole free market capitalism system.