I am much more with Lupin on this, UK. Ethereum, when and if it does happen -I believe it will, but probably years from now still- will be so much more advanced than anything our boys (stooges) can concoct now or ever that it would be, really, a total waste of time and unrewarded efforts. Let them concentrate on their school papers, they are hard enough. And it seems in those other fields, they could be going places. Not here, definitively. Nor they need to... beyond whatever "cool" thing they may stomp in while practicing their "hobby" on their spare time. Let James do the lifting, since he is both capable and he said he would. But with the only caveat that it has to be CLEAN. It has to be LEGAL when legality is an issue (very, very soon). He's a bright guy, he'll think of something. Why burden the boys with something which is so obviously stratospherically above their heads? No practical point in that, really. They may do something really really cool like having the links turning to purple (hell, even first purple, then gree) when the mouse hover over them, how's that?
And, in exchange, Doug, Pat, how about keeping us posted about those quarterly evaluations at school, ah? Make us proud and let's celebrate!
Pompous and derogatory, as usual.
Barabbas, with all of the time and energy that you invest into this thread, you have the opportunity to make a difference, but the way you treat people will always
prevent them from taking you seriously. What a shame.
That's your wish Scott, but the reality is that the market completely agrees with Barabbas and other users who post here mostly constructive, objective and helpful criticism The market agrees with the critics, (mainly) that's why the price is 8k. If the market would agree with you or the cheerleader brigade or the "marketing team" lead by Jay Jay that hypes the coin, then the price would be higher - but it is 8k.
Your problem is not Barabbas or Monsieur Lupin, but your problem is partly your comrades who represent Vericoin in this thread, like the pathetic trolls above who try very-very hard to break apart this thread and of course they achieve the complete opposite and just discredit your whole operation. Why would anyone invest in Vericoin if your Verileaders are such individuals like the trolls in this thread, your comrades on your new wonderful forum? No serious person will put money into an operation that's in the hand of 20-25 years old delusional, aggressive, patronizing and trolling boys. Instead of the money goes to Ethereum's 19 years old Vitalik Buterin, a modest and extra talented young man who represents the complete opposite than your comrades do (and demonstrates that business succes is not determined by age). And I don't even get into the details to describe what happens when the delusions of VRC Verileaders are manifested in vogue business plans - we both know what happens then, see the Wizrig association which was the hope for weeks, Moolah partnership which was the next big thing for months, VISA card which was the project for making history, etc. and the new disappointment the decentralized cloud is on its way. It seems to me you have lot of issue to solve within your operation before wondering about posts in this thread.