And, by the way, as foretold, we are back to be solidly in singles.
But at one point or another no doubt those very biog things the people is debating in the "cheerleader's club" are going to propel the price to the moon.
I'm sure people will keep an eye on it.
And on the "cheerleader's club" too.
How low you think price will go? Into the 8000's? 7000's? Any guess?
It's totally in the hands of James. It will go as low as he lets it go.
Some cheerleaders were -and still are- convinced that without James the bottom would have been 8000 anyway; it is possible that James would want to show them exactly how wrong they were by letting go there and below EVEN with the fact that he is involved and VRC will possibly be in the SuperNET.
If I were James, I would do that, just to make things quite clear to everyone. But, alas, I am not so I cannot even speculate at this point.
One thing I do know though: If he doesn't do anything, it will keep going down indeed.
If you have been following the Supernet forums, you've undoubtedly noticed that James has been very busy hammering out the code for the SN API and more specifically, the DHT code to support a distributed file sharing/cloud infrastructure. Pretty exciting stuff. The price is the price. The technology is advancing, however, and VeriCoin will be a part of it.
No I haven't been following the supernet forums. And I have no doubt James is a very, very busy individual. I GET that. And I am the first to appreciate and respect James because, so far, he has honored -and beyond- his commitments in what I can see and certainly in what pertains VRC.
That said, he may have misjudged "the price is the price" aspect when he stated that "... between 10 and 14 would be the period of accumulation..." or words to that effect. If he really wants the price to remain in that channel, obviously he has to do something more than what he has done.
Otherwise I have no problem at all -totally the contrary- with James' involvement in VRC so far. We are still months before he has to show something of what he promised he would do, so still quite within his commitment.
That said, I reiterate that since VRC on it own has nothing of any value for the crypto community, if James doesn't do anything the price will continue being the price: Going south. Perhaps severely.
NXT is in the dumps, too, and I don't see anyone involved in SN panicking about it. BTW, it's great to see a kinder-gentler barabbas here. Your input of late is appreciated. I am too busy to watch the markets like a hawk these days. There's a lot of development in the pipes, and that is where my focus is.
NEXT in the dumps? I don't think so. At all. NXT had a very solid run up and now it's profit taking time... which is what happens in NEXT for months and mon ths now. It could touch the 5s and that's where the money comes in running and back again to the highs 8s. Or above. Quite a different animal.
If you perceive me as a kinder gentles Barabbas, I guess that would be my current projection. The only thing that is different, from my perspective, is James: Now VRC has him, before it did not. As long as it has James, is has something good and real effective. If it doesn't, it will drift eventually to the ground. THAT's the difference, the only one.
Back to what you say about NXT, the same has occurred to a number of coins, including -among many others- BC and even DARK. There's very little money coming into alts and into even BTC, giving the distressed price. The remaining goes to the momentum projects (such as James') and some of the promising ICOs. There's no liquidity left even for solid projects, well established. The market is very tough and is about to become quite tougher: In 8 days an ICO that will make history, will be live. BRO. It's going to take thousands of BTC, millions of dollars. Many. All the other coins will be sold. Including the good ones. Imagine what will happen to this one...
Unless, of course, James decides to counter... Only he has the kind of clout needed for such a move. Will he? The price, in a very significant way, will tell the tale of the play. Very, very soon.