Quick question for you...when do you think Crypto Currency will become mainstream?
He answered your questions perfectly...let me clarify it for you!
1. No bailouts...as in no big banks being bailed out for breaking the law, No Hyper-inflation...20% decrease in buying power a year with USD, No Fees or Much less and No Conterfeiting...as in fraud.
So you prefer 80% decrease in buying power a month?? Please explain because I can´t believe you´re so retarded USD has been decreasing for over +50 years...this currency has only been around for 3.5 months my friend, I'm not worried! This market is volatile, bitcoin is a prime example of what can happen.
Your $100 USD dollars today would be worth $10 in 1950Now this is A VERY SERIOUS PROBLEM, here, when people as smart as a hammer pretend to offer "lessons".
No, the US dollar hasn't been "decreasing for over +50 (sic) years..." the US dollar's VALUE has been decreasing
for over 120 years. In my raw paper I briefly
(and accurately), I explained this in layman's terms with three separate period/examples. Still, this idiot manages to confuse the issue enough to make it meaningless.
And then, the kicker: "Your US 100 dollars today would be worth $10 in 1950" which not only is an illiterate way to write but also confuses even more the subject not only because what's written is absurd but because, even when ordered grammatically in a correct manner (as in "$10 in 1950 would have bought what today costs $100"), it is a fallacy. Not true at all. The internet is full of detailed research into the matter and no, in the last 65 years the dollars has NOT lost 90% of it's value as this individual implies, not even close to that.
Therefore, an argument otherwise significant and valid -again, as posted in the WVD pamphlet-, gets idiotically diluted when presented in such clumsy and lying manner.