Once again, I implore you to get off these boards. Get off Twitter. And Reddit. And IRC. As a matter of fact, get a medium-sized hammer and smash all your phones. Use only -and as sparingly as you possibly can- hard line phones. Please.
Every single time that you open your mouth, every single one, bar none, what comes out is inappropriate, unnecessary, arrogant, utterly stupid and detrimental to the price and progress of Vericoin. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME. Enough! Stop it! You are 100 times more toxic to VRC than your pal socal is.
You want proof? Just track the price's behavior after you make "an appearance"... sHEEEESH!!!
The Bizarre Spectacle that is Barabbas.
Barabbas, it seems to me that almost every time pnosker makes an appearance, you come out of the wood-work not much later and post a rant full of adolescent rage, self righteous indignation, or some other ridiculous behavior. Has it ever occurred to you that the price behavior that you mention above could be related to... YOU?
your invested in this coin and this is how you act in the place where ppl come to learn about vrc or keep up with vrc...all they see is your ranting and trashing the devs... you can't be that smart to do this while your invested.. now you see no one cares about your opinions anymore not cause they are ridiculous but purely cause of the way you speak... SO ..if you've come to the conclusion that vrc is gonna die and the devs are shit and this and that...why do u continue to hold your investment? i told you that if u have too much to dump at the current price i will buy them all off you for the price its at right now... all of them. we both know if you have too much it'll take you awhile to dump without getting less than current value.. so ill do you that favour and take every last vrc u have at this price...
what do u think barabbas?