Come on guys, in less than 24 hours, we have created, out of thin air, over 1 MILLION DOLLARS. Simply with an idea. No one else has done anything at all. And the market is responding. TO THAT IDEA and the enthusiasm the community has shown for it, even though it has been far from vri vocal so far, even though it has been promoted veri little. And we have doubled the price. In less than 24 hours. Will there be dumping? of course there will be. Especially if the enthusiasm somehow dims. It's only natural. Many people bought around 8, they will want to book at least some of those gains... but we are, once again, POSITIVELY alive. Nobody is thinking about the coin spiraling all the way to zero... and there's nothing new from the devs, not a single thing. Not even their support for the only idea that has galvanized the entire community so efficiently since the "rollback". Can anyone set up a wallet so donations can start pouring in for the World Vericoin Day project? We need ity. We need action. Those regional leader, the LEADERS everywhere, need to know that they have our enthusiastic support. Not just with words -also with words- but with what gets the ball rolling: Actual vericoins. Tweet, IRC, Reddit, Facebook , e-mail it. DO it.
Again, read my previous post where I asked you to PM me. In oder to run a campaign you need a plan. If you have ideas we can set up a time for a chat.
Before we can request others to " set up wallet and pour funds" the ideas and plan must be solid. Correct me if i am wrong unless i read wrong, what is this fund for? From my understanding if we are to do this, it would cost. Money for Shirts, flyers, buttons, stickers, prizes etc.
Again read my previous post 1 ) we need to to this 2) we will plan that.. etc.
" No one else has done anything at all. " This is what i mean by you come off harsh at times. Saying that will clearly get under someone's skin. Many here have done plenty past few hours, and contributing ideas and are even setting some in motion. Please be mindful and respectful, you wont catch flies with vinegar.
One cool thing that could come from your shouting ideas, we can at some point create a promo / projects site. that way all the ongoing projects could be on that. Hence you might not feel like " Nothing is getting done"
Side note, what do you do for work...I would love to know how you work in a team hehe
I have looked over a bunch of posts but I stop reading yours when you seemed to say a variation of what Scott said. I am DETERMINED to put this project to a test, ok? so there no possibility of it not going through, IF -that's the whole ball of wax- LEADERS come forward willing to do it. On the 30th. No ifs, no buts. And IF, the only other if, the community responds with their support and their donations. Xosihc, for me this as solid as your MN fair. Only that, sorry, that's too little. too local. Nothing to be made of it promotion wise. I am not putting you down at all, I am keeping the perspective. You are too close but this is just an even of no repercussion whatsoever outside of MN. Anyway if you want to believe that that is the cause of the rebound, feel free. I don't care. I care that World Vericoin Day happens. And the rebound will be much bigger. If it doesn't happen, I believe it will revisit singles again.
No Shinraven. There's enough time. Plenty. Yes, funds are for giveaways, giveaways are to lure people to groups and leaders need to wear and give out Tshirts. Ideally they will paint the Vericoin Logo all over their faces too. That's it. I will provide -and if you or others contribute, much better- a copy for translation of what the pamphlet shoul look like and the content. We can PM but I much rather have everyone with things to bring in to just bring them in and get done with it. 15 days is an eternity in Crypto. More than enough time for everything. Only things needed are the WILL of the LEADERS and the support, financial and promotional, of the community. Slogan will be provided also (contributions appreciated, of course).
Xosihc, one thing you must have clear: Joel Bopsch, Wizrig, for me, is a Black Hand operative. It means he is the face of a group of anonymous ionvestors who pump and dump coins and that destroyed -in cahoots with their devs- Blackcoin with their blatanjt manipulation. I have already posted many times that I believe the Black Hand invested heavily in VRC with the same purpose, but when they realized that the devs here would not play ball, they just dumped and Bosch is kind of gone. THAT SAID, I do not believe that Joel's actions are negative in any way for Vericoin. As a matter of fact I'd very much appreciate if he picks up the flame and makes of Miami one of the best and brightest on World Vericoin Day. He can promote Vericoin and that is all this initiative seeks, nothing else. And I don't care if he receives orders from the Black Hand or not as long as he does something that favors Vericoin, ok? And he, more than anyone else, can. At the Miami Level. So his cooperation and support is more than welcome. He brings much more to the table than most others can.
Shinraven, I do not wish -you should know this by now- to make public either who I am nor my background. I have my motives. I am not a developer, I don't have to. And I won't. I know of what I speak, that should be obvious, but it is up to everyone to construct their own conceptions as they please. You included.
Your offer of cooperation is appreciated, deeply appreciated. Some specifics would help. I hope I have made clear what I envision as World Vericoin Day, already. But if you need further clarification, either publicly or by PM, please let me know.
I am a leader and as nice as you enthusiasm is ...... I do not follow. Maybe you should become a leader and do something to promote a coin you want to believe in thats why I do it. I work day in and day out, I like having something to believe in. On top of the fact that I love the technology and work in the tech world lol