OK we need to stop IGNORING realities deliberately and going around and around and around the same subjects wasting space, everybody's time and, especially, forcing the devs to waste their time in reading post pof no consequence and having to repeat themselves a million times.
So it is perfectly clear for everyone and no need for more repeating: DUE to unavoidable legal reasons, the FIAT/VRC conversion will have to be made, ALWAYS, THROUGH A LICENSED THIRD PARTY (Moolah or any other). No matter how many ribbons and nice wrapping you want to put it in successive versions, the basics will always be the same: A link to Moolah, no matter how personalized. It also implies paying Moolah for their services. Is that cleart enough? Can we just put that to rest forever? You can choose to expect from that whatever you want but that is all there is and that is all there WILL be in the foreseeable future. End of that story.
Now to the important matters that need further debate and clarification: REFERRAL PROGRAM. Everyone more or less is on board on this. BUT it is still not clear at all how will it be financed. The interest/inflation is, in my opinion, a bad thing. I could elaborate much further, but there's no need. It can be financed that way or through specific donations to the fund from stakeholders. Either way, financing is not a problem. So let's get moving with it as soon as possible.
THE most important matter, by far: VERIFICATION. Since it will be optional, also everyone is on board with this. I am more than on board, I am downright enthusiastic about it. This will be a whopper, definitely THE game changer. Why? very simple: When you approach ANY vendor and you make them aware that you bring to the table tens of thousands -initially, many more with time- of VERIFIED potential customers, their appreciation of Vericoin changes from the ever suspect world of crypto, Bitcoin included, to a pool of potential customers that will know of their products and services instantly and will be one click away from their ordering link. I believe it will spread like wild fire. It is the definite gate towards mainstream. The stakeholders will enthusiastically support it, will verify themselves and everyone else they can convince and it will be a blockbuster.
Now, another thing that we NEED to put to rest, like yesterday, is the misconception some still have that the recent decline was somewhat produced by unfulfilled expectations, Wiz2, the roll back or whatever else. IT IS NOT TRUE. I have stated (and DEMONSTRATED) that is has been a phenom/circumstance that has affected many other well established coins also with no reasons for it. And those coins have been affected equally or more than VRC in the same exact period. So, please, lets just see the FACTS and the reality and stop using falsehoods to further agendas, no matter how legitimate those agendas can be. Otherwise we will continue exchanging very long posts again and again round and round about the same FALSE matters. It isn't productive. And, most significantly, IT SIMPLY IS NOT TRUE.
On that very subject, there's no possible control we or the devs may have over P&Ds created by outside groups. It may be The Black Hand or any other. They have the resources, the buy and they pump. Nothing the devs or the rest of the stakeholders can or SHOULD do about that. It goes with the territory and, as long as we are all aware of it, everything will be fine: Lets say The Black Hand as accumulated 4.5 million VRC at an average price of 12000 sat. They pump it all the way to 40,000 and they star taking profits. When they are done, the price has gone down all the way to 16,000 and the average sell price for them has been 28,000. They did great, made a ton of money and DID NOT CHANGE anything in VRC. As a matter of fact, more people was aware of the rise, many more came into the coin and now are bagholders, but, for the real stakeholders, the price before the pump, when they were the same stakeholders, the price was much lower than 16,000 sat, so they -all of us- benefit from that. That's the perspective that we need to keep in mind... and, perhaps, if we identify the Pump phase, profit from it by selling close to the highs some or all our holdings and buy back double amounts on the way down.
So are the Pumps and Dumps negative? Not for the core holders, not at all ... as long as there's no inside info behind them. Let's not see ghosts where there are none and, above all, let's not pretend that creating awareness of the coin, by whomever, is a negative, ever, ok?
In other words, let's streamlined the repeated nonsense and hang ups that we may personally have, see things with the proper, FACTUAL, perspective and move to progressive -not hurried- action, if the devs approve, of course.
I have the feeling they will support the above mentioned initiatives quite enthusiastically.