Let's imagine a scenario when the developer team or a government did it for personal gain or political reasons. What would be the consequence?
What would you do if you own that coin?
Would the majority refuse to update the wallet?
Would a group of people to come forth and take over the development of the coin?
This is the nature and beauty of decentralised & open source network.
If you try to dictate and insist what a coin should do or not do, isn't that contradicting?
Maybe you should ask the devs how much vrc they hold? You might be surprised I don't have more facts than pnosker showed some screenshot of his 500k+ wallet some weeks ago.
That might blur how objective they were just a "tad"
This was of course the true reason to do the rollback, not to lose any profits they have made. This is also the reason why most of VRC holders cheer the rollback. Or have you seen anyone not holding vrc, that would defend the rollback?
I had VRC on mintpal, but I would rather have lost my coins, tried to get MP to reimburse me than having a rollback that goes against everything in crypto
Uhm, if vericoin holders didn't like it, you think you'd see a little more volume and panic?
No, I think you're finding aside from the few that are vocally mad, the majority of normal folks will look at this as a huge step forward.
You spam the thread so hard that you dont take time to read.
Yes, you don't have to look back very far. A lot of sensible people agree with the thought, THEFT SHOULD NOT BE REWARDED to anyone in a civilized society.
Ok so it will be easy task for you to link me to some of these neutral non vrc holding ppl that think the rollback was a good idea?
Thank you
I had VRC on mintpal, but I would rather have lost my coins Really
Yes let's lose all our coins. Whatever you are holding now, let's see how you feel when it is your ass that is hanging out in the wind. Give me a break ! A crime was committed you would rather let someone get away with all your earning & hard work. Not just only you by the way, all other investors will be screwed too. Not to mention a Major exchange would tank too.
I don't know what fantasy world you live in, this won't happen. How much are you willing to lose in the name of this belief ? 1 coin, 1000, 10000 ?
it is so easy to judge someone who acted to protect his property. Does a man not have the right to protect himself ? Whomever stole these coins, did not do this for profit. this was sabotage. aka dirty tactic to cripple a promising coin.
I agree with you, Mintpal and all other exchanges need to be more transparent. They have been less coming with info on what they will do to prevent this.
if crypto is to move into mainstream, there will have to be security measures in place. Exchanges need to provide proof that cold storage is in place. Set a % on how many coins they all can hold at any given point.
The real lesson to learn from this. Do not leave your coins overnight on ANY exchanges.. period.
I had only some 3200 VRC on MP so I can understand that the greed would probably blind me too if I had, lets say 500k.
Since you are so giving, willing to lose all, and as you put it, Please give away all your holding, Not just VRC to a faucet, or let us have your keys..since after all, you don't mind. let's us see how really dedicated and willing you are. go on now ~