It took a while to sync up again as I had followed instructions, but am not getting any connections at all.
I looked at the wallet qt file in my folder that got installed and it is showing as version 1.3.2
Am not sure what is going on, have I got the correct wallet or not??
you can open the wallet and check the version here: help -> about vericoin, if it says 1.3.3 you have the newest wallet.
check your vericoin.conf and add:
I have those nodes added already, but my help, about vericoin says I have 1.3.2, but the windows installer has text that implies it is version 1.3.3, so it cant be anything to do with my cache or history or else the installer wouldn't even mention 1.3.3, file size is 54.8 megabytes
yeah, if you are on windows then the help->about vericoin will definitly say 1.3.3.
means you have the wrong wallet. just go to and redownload the windows installer, do a wallet backup, delete this folder C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\VeriCoin, uninstall vericoin then install the new wallet